Tax Law

Tax Law covers the rules and regulations that cover the process of taxing individuals and entity for earnings and items of monetary value. Tax contributions are required to be made for earnings and income (such as salaries and investments), the transfer of property and estates, income from licensing rights and import taxes imposed upon goods transported from foreign countries. Disputes between the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and taxpayers are heard in the U.S. Tax Court. Tax attorneys represent parties not only in disputes with the IRS but also to incorporate appropriate and accurate tax planning concerning investments and expected future income and loss.


William Hartsock
4 min read
The Department of Justice Criminal Tax Division has the ultimate authority to review and prosecute criminal tax cases. If you are subject to a criminal tax investigation or prosecution, it will likely be headed by the DOJ. The department has the power to authorize or decline criminal...
William Hartsock
4 min read
Many taxpayers are unaware of the potentially serious criminal charges that may await them if they fail to file a tax return or pay taxes. Known as the Failure to File Returns or Pay Tax Statute, IRC § 7203 sets forth four possible offenses: willful failure to pay an estimated tax or other tax...