Criminal Law

Criminal law constitutes law and regulation that relates to crime or the general safety and welfare of the people (as opposed to “civil” law.) Criminal statutes prohibit harm and threats of violence against another person including acts that endanger the health, safety and welfare of the general public. Criminal procedure sets forth the process of investigation of a crime including arrest, search and seizure laws. Punishment is defined for those who are convicted of violating criminal law which may include fines, incarceration, probation as well as matters of permanent record keeping such as expungement of criminal records.


Brian Musell
4 min read
Even if you’re innocent, hiring a criminal lawyer shouldn’t be overlooked. Some 30 years ago, the body of an 11-year-old girl was found in North Carolina. It was a sickening case for investigators, and locals were horrified to hear the circumstances of her death. The young girl had been raped...