
  1. S

    Interpretation of the County's definition of "Access"

    Boulder County's Land Use Code defines "Access" as "A driveway or other point of entry and/or exit that creates an opening through the right of way line to abutting landowners, public street, or road." Before 2020, the Planning Department appears to have interpreted this to include driveways on...
  2. G

    Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks Is This Criminal - Frustrating the IRS?

    A marries B. A knows that B has IRS tax liens against them. Plus they are public record, easily found with a web search B dies A files an affidvait in court to avoid probate stating that B did not have debts 1. Was a federal crime committed by A? 2. If so who should it be reported to? Thanks!
  3. X

    RV Purchase - Recourse on “Bait & Switch” (?) Transaction

    Live in CO and purchased an RV in MN. They told us, and our understanding was, that we purchased an RV on the lot that we toured. They agreed to hold it for us until we could pick it up in a few weeks. We notified the dealer of the date we’d arrive to get it 2 weeks later. Got to dealership and...
  4. T

    Car a Total Loss ?

    Accident seemed rather minor but dealer saying $16,000 to fix. Body and Wheel alignment damaged. Saying they will total car and give $13,000. Travelers Insurance. Mechanic friend says not that much damage and can fix for much less - if we buy the car from insurance. Two questions; 1. Car had...
  5. W

    Noise Ordinances

    Is there any recourse or ability to file an injunction against a city who, in the past, violated their own noise ordinances and now grants itself “temporary” exemptions year after year? This involves a city owned golf course.
  6. D

    Need help filing Lawsuit - Dental Malpractice DENVER

    Hello. I’m looking to hire someone to help file a lawsuit on my behalf or at least assist in stoping the statute of repose for a case I’ve been seeking help for a while now. I had an orthodontist make it so I am unable to chew or sallow properly. I was abandoned in braces. I spent 6 months...
  7. M

    I-9 form employee signature done remotely and not witnessed

    Approximately 6 weeks ago I started a new job and filled out the new hire paperwork. I filled out the I-9 form and the site manager said he would complete the rest of it. Last week (about 5 weeks since I submitted the I-9 form). I received an email from a company HR Generalist asking that I...
  8. M

    Highly unethical and potentially dangerous conduct of pharma company

    I am employed by a Radiopharma company that delivers prescription medications to hospitals daily nationwide. The driver/delivery persons for this company are required to be thoroughly vaccinated and submit proof to the hospitals in order to receive a access badge to secure areas of the hospitals...
  9. J

    Inheritance retained solely in beneficiaries name?

    Will inheritance assets be protected in case of divorce if he keeps all assets received solely in his name. My son is listed as the sole beneficiary of all my assets upon my death.
  10. R

    Nursing home neglect laws in Colorado

    Are there any laws in place in Colorado that would prevent a sibling from suing a nursing home for wrongful death? Or is it restricted to only spouse or child? Thanks, G
  11. V

    Property Invasion, Damages, Trespass Relentless thieves

    My storage unit has been broken into over and over in the past 5 or six years, at first pretty petty to the point I hardly noticed but it got worse and worse, tens of thousands in tools, electronics, musical gear , furniture, hundreds of movies, tapes, c.Ds, and real personal old wax 78 and 45...
  12. J

    Do I have the right to bring my kids back to our home state?

    My wife and I have struggled in the past with infidelity (on her part). We got past that and moved on with our relationship which became stronger afterwards. We lived in New Jersey all of our relationship (through and past those past hard times). Due to some financial hardship and losing our...
  13. K

    Not the pay I accepted!

    I recently accepted a position with my employer that is within the organization. I was offered an hourly wage and accepted an hourly wage. My offer letter even states hourly. 2 weeks after giving my notice in my other position (they were allowed to keep me an additional 2 weeks) I noticed I...
  14. R

    Child Abuse, Molestation, Porn Child porn

    Accused of possession and distribution of cp. They cought it through the IP address on the wifi. There was a Kik account where apparently downloaded and sent a couple things to another user. They have the evidence that it was on the persons Kik account and that it was cp. How can they prove that...
  15. R

    Options for Collecting Back Rent

    We recently evicted a tenant at a commercial property for non payment of about $30k of back rent. I've asked several times what his plan is for repayment, not surprisingly, he indicates no plans. Just hoping we'll give up. I think he does not currently have enough cash to pay, but he will...
  16. J

    Got Billed for equipment I sent back to Direct TV 7 years ago

    I got billed $135.00 for old equipment I set back through UPS 7 years ago. I went to UPS and they have no data from that far back. What am I going to do I can't afford this. I have been a customer for 10 years. I never noticed that Direct TV still had my old receiver on my online account...
  17. A

    Legal Question regarding Sewer Line

    I apologize in advance for the long post but I want everyone reading this to have the details. I have a turn of the century triplex in old town that is fully occupied. My sewer line for this property exits out the back of the property, turns and runs for about 70 feet on my property and then...
  18. L

    Co-Sponsor Questions

    I am hoping someone can help me understand options with this scenario. I have a friend who is a US Citizen and has been living overseas for some time now where he also recently got married. He has recently come back to the US for a job and at this job he makes more than enough to meet the...
  19. D

    LLC for Road Associatoin

    We are a road association. How do we form an LLC that is owned by the landowners adjacent to the roads? Currently it is not titled correctly and the LLC we are using is owned by one of the owners. This does not seem to me to be appropriate. We need to know how to set up an LLC that is actually...