Recent content by Carpet_Dude

  1. C

    Custody and wants child now

    Hi dragongirl, I was in a VERY SIMILAR situation. I was in the middle of divorce and continued custody hearings when My Ex was arrested for possesion with intent to distibute marijuana. I brought the matter to a final hearing before her trial, and since she was not "guilty" yet, then they did...
  2. C

    Question about contempt

    Unless you are named in the court order, I don't think you can be personally held accountable to it's terms. HE on the other hand should abide by the terms of the order.
  3. C

    need advise for custody

    Hi Kevin! I'm a custodial Dad myself, and have been for 12 years (Daughter is almost 13). I think you should get a private investigator to get proof of the drug abuse, and dig up infromation about the Ex's boy friend. You might be surprized how easy it is to get dirt on someone. PI's can...
  4. C

    federal tax deductions

    You probably agreed to those terms, because typically a judge will not touch that issue.
  5. C

    I'm worried about loosing my un born child

    WOW. Here's some suggestions..... 1. Close your eyes, Take a deep breath, and exhale very slowly. 2. Repeat step 1 three times.
  6. C

    I NEED HELP! Custody and Visitation Rights

    Speak with an attorney. Usually, a temporary visitation hearing can happen in a few weeks, after which some sort of visitation schedule is started and the issue is sent to mediation. Supposing that everyone involved is normal, and there are no criminal records, abuse history, etc. then...
  7. C

    Legal custody issues....Help!

    1. Mixing Med's without specific doctors prescription to do so is very dangerous. 2. Fear of being hit probably means that it has happened in the past. 3. Finding Salvation is a beautiful thing. 4. Speaking with a GOOD attorney is ALWAYS a good idea.
  8. C

    on going problem with ex

    AMEN! PILawGirl! "Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free!" Cherokee...I feel your pain man! I've ridden the "Woman's Court" system for almost 13 years now, and you're right. We men get no respect. In the words of my Ex, "It don't matter what the judge says, I can do what I...
  9. C

    Conflict of interest and abuse of power by relative CPS worker

    YES, Take a reporter with you on your next visitation. A television crew would be ideal! Bring supporters who know the whole story, and picket the DFCS facility while the reporter are there. Make BIG Signs "SET MY CHILDREN FREE". Publicity will make a difference. Write your congressman, state...
  10. C

    some one please help me!!!!!

    I'm in Georgia, and know a little about custody issues. I'm a custodial Dad, not that I'm taking his side at all ! I also know a little about the human mind, so trust me. :-) Here's some things that you DEFINATELY should do IN THIS ORDER! First thing Saturday Morning.... 1. Take the...
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    Childrens Advocacy

    Childrens Advocacy from what I understand is a non-biased group who looks after the best interests of the children in custody and visitation disputes. A little background information on ME. I was accused of being a violent person by my ex when she filed for divorce. However, I myself...
  12. C

    Ex's Psycho Girlfriend

    Thank You, Thank You Very Much.
  13. C

    Allowing teens to smoke at home?

    By allowing them to smoke in your home, you are condoning their actions. I would suggest taking a trip to the coroners office to show them an actual smokers lung. That should do the trick. This is coming from a 20+ year addicted smoker who originally smoked to be "COOL" and didn't inhale.
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    Childrens Advocacy

    Above reference shows that all you want to do is "TOY" with him. Thus my opinion as stated previously. ROT !
  15. C

    Childrens Advocacy

    From a father who went through the exact type of mental cruelty that you are putting on him, I hope you rot in that place which is reserved in the firey depths for all the women like you. YOU are the problem with our legal system when it comes to parental rights, and visitations. The Judge says...