Question about contempt

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My husband is not allowing ss to talk on the phone with ss's bm. This is on the advice of ss's counselor as many things have happened over the past few years. She is threatening to file for contempt. I'm not sure if she really will or not, but I am wondering if I can get into any kind of trouble. I don't let him talk to her either since my husband does not want it. I should add he is with me most of the time as my husband works nights. Just kinda curious.
Is phone or actual visitation in the court order? The counsellor has no legal business telling you to defy a court order, if there is one. Mom can certainly file contempt in court if you and Dad are blocking access to the child.
Unless you are named in the court order, I don't think you can be personally held accountable to it's terms. HE on the other hand should abide by the terms of the order.
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