Working full time and going to school

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Hello... nine months ago I was hired by a world wide company in town. I was hired as a full time employee and I specified that I was still going to college. This past year I went to school and the company had a flexible schedule for me to go to school. I only need 8 more classes to get my Bachelors in BA. This week I was told by them that for next year there would be no flexible schedules during work hours. Either I had to go before or after work, change my work shift or become part time. I was only asking for 30 extra minutes during lunch to be able to take 2 classes that are only offered at that time. The answer was still you have 3 options.... I sent a formal letter to urge the managers to reconsider that policy and a BIG deal came out of it, even the legal department for the company got involved. When I wrote the letter ( professional with no bad words or blaming anyone in particular) my only intent was to prove a point and be heard. I was not going to sue or anything.

My question is... Is there something I can do about this? Or am I better off quitting this job?
Your employer is under no obligation to accommodate your school schedule. Unless there is a written contract that they are compelled to abide by, they are free to provide a schedule as they see fit for the operation of the business so long as work hours and such comply with state and federal labor laws.

If it were me or my child in your position, I would recommend finishing school.

- Carl
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