I'm sure you know I'm just debating an issue... not just arguing for the sake of arguing with you 
I run in to these landlord/tenant disputes all the time too. Debating it and finding out the end results (hopefully) help to sort out future issues.
I. for one, would not touch this situation with a ten mile pole if the owner contacted me. I would emphatically attempt to dissuade a citizen arrest, which is almost in all circumstances a bad idea, and encourage a solution through the court. I'm pretty confident that others would as well.
If a person will not leave a residence willingly, and I don't have an eviction order, I need to have some pretty strong evidence that the person is present unlawfully... and the scenario offered here tells me that they are legally present even without the owner's knowledge.
So far the owner has not even contacted them, so at this point this is all moot.

I run in to these landlord/tenant disputes all the time too. Debating it and finding out the end results (hopefully) help to sort out future issues.
I. for one, would not touch this situation with a ten mile pole if the owner contacted me. I would emphatically attempt to dissuade a citizen arrest, which is almost in all circumstances a bad idea, and encourage a solution through the court. I'm pretty confident that others would as well.
If a person will not leave a residence willingly, and I don't have an eviction order, I need to have some pretty strong evidence that the person is present unlawfully... and the scenario offered here tells me that they are legally present even without the owner's knowledge.
So far the owner has not even contacted them, so at this point this is all moot.