I just went to court yesterday as my ex wife had filed for modification of child support. Her attorney even asked for financial records from my bookeeper which he provided. The judge was only provided my income for 2011 in the amount of 57 K when I was still filing as a sole proprietor and the 1st qtr of this year 2013 where I had a 20 K job ( that did not include payment for matierials as I'm self employed) The judge was NOT given my W2 for last year where it clearly shows my income of only 27 K since I now have established an S corp to ensure my taxes are paid qtrly. With the average of these two incomes my child support could double. Can my attorney file a De Novo to appeal this modification since her attorney with held income information in order to push this modification thru. While I know it should increase around 150 per month it should NOT double based upon my income. All they had was a P & L for this last qtr - I'm not understanding how the judge could make a ruling based up on this.