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I only pray the ending ends in my favor. I don't have a good feeling it's gonna though. Am i entitled to submit unemployment while am on my suspension? It's a week already out of work and i don't know when the next meeting is gonna be. Or will waiting be better off as to not tipping them off as a desperate worker. And do you know if my health insurance is still intact during my suspension? The things we never think we're gonna need to know the answers to while life is going good. Smh @ myself.
You absolutely should file for unemployment. The worst that can happen is that you're turned down, and if that happens you're no worse off than if you never filed in the first place. If you are only suspended and will be coming back to work, then yes, the odds are 99 to 1 that your health insurance is still in place. If your employment is termed, however, it will depend on the wording of the policy how long, if at all, it continues. Another question for your union.
Thank You cbg. Another question i've been wondering was if my injury i received at my job dating back to 1998 and have missed time from work over the years is still covered even if am terminated? Or the worse case am asked to resign as then i can keep my pension and not lose everything i worked for the past 20 yrs and if i find a Doctor who finds me 100% disabled am able to collect both my pension and social security together. I have 3 herniated discs and had my Doctor wanting to do surgery on me from the MRI he had done when i was out of work back in 2012. Any input would be appreciated. It's too bad my union couldn't respond to these questions. Still haven't heard back from the union rep who is taking my regular union reps while he's on vacation.
Those aren't union rep questions so I can totally understand why your union declined to answer. Unless you settled the claim outright, in theory you could reopen the old claim if you can find medical support that your current problems and inability to work are a result of the 1998 injury. If you have been working up until now and only are not working because you got in trouble at your last job, do not hold your breath that you can blame this old injury and collect benefits. You do not have to still be employed at the same place. Keep in mind that every state has time limits to reopen claims and collect certain benefits. It is entirely possible that even if the medical care is covered you are beyond the point at which they must cover your time off work.

WC is totally unrelated to SSDI. if SSDI is appropriate, file a claim with Social Security. Whether or not you are eligible to start collecting a pension is totally dependent upon the rules surrounding that pension. Many offer some option to start collecting early if totally disabled but you would need to consult your plan administrator for the details on this.
I was told by my union last year that am entitled to collect my pension right away along with my social security if am 100% disabled. I have more then 15 years of work service and make more then the amount of hourly money it requires. My question is would i be able to collect both of those things if am terminated but leave with my pension intact. Or do i need to be working to collect social security if i have the surgery if my case is still open due to the work related injury from my current job even if i know longer return to work.
ozmets, now you are asking questions that we cannot answer. We have not read your pension plan. I can tell you that if you have 15 years of pensionable work service that by law your pension is vested, meaning that you cannot lose the money. But we have no way of knowing when you are able to take a distribution or how it would relate to social security. Those are not questions that are the same for everyone - they depend on the exact wording of your plan.

Your HR representative would be the right one to ask questions of that relate to your benefits.
But my question was if i lose my pension due to be terminated and therefore not entitled to collect a pension what course of action do i take to fight for keeping it
But my question was if i lose my pension due to be terminated and therefore not entitled to collect a pension what course of action do i take to fight for keeping it

I don't think you have to worry about losing your pension.
You've not been accused of any crimes.
You should read your most recent CBA.
It's good to know your position.
Unions are akin to governments, they blab about what they'll do for the little guy, take your money, live high on the hog off of your money, and if you need them; they don't know you.
Just let nature take its course, buddy.
You can't change anything now, all you can do is react to what they decide.
Excellenct advice Judge. The waiting game is probably the hardest part of this though. I filed for unemployment online but it asked for reason that i was filing and known were for being suspended so i don't know if the whole process i did was even gonna be accepted. GRRRR
Was just informed by my union my pension cant be taken away from me regardless of the outcome. Now am waiting for his answer regarding me collecting it before 65 if i was found to be 100% disabled by a doctor. He said i my need to be currently employed to collect pension if i got social security after i was terminated from my job. what's the difference if i was unemployed and got social security or was employed either way i can't work due to the injuries i received from my past employer. And shouldn't my pension be paid from that moment regardless if am employed or just out of work. Never felt so lost without my dad. He always knew the answers and if not he would help me along my path. Today would mark my parents 58th wedding anv. Rest In Peace Dad.
WC is totally unrelated to SSDI. if SSDI is appropriate, file a claim with Social Security. Whether or not you are eligible to start collecting a pension is totally dependent upon the rules surrounding that pension. Many offer some option to start collecting early if totally disabled but you would need to consult your plan administrator for the details on this.

Now your talking about "What If's" Your union will be able to answer your pension questions. As far as Social Security Disability... No you don't have to be employed to file for it. You need to just have enough work credit. The problem with SSD is it could take years to get approved. Even if a doctor finds you 100 percent disabled. This will be something you can find out as well from calling your SS office.
Myquestion was if i get ssdi can i also collect my pension before the age of 65. I know if am working and can no longer work and have a doctor say am a 100% disabled i'll collect my pension right away. But am not sure if that applys now that i may be unemployed without being disabled. I would love to collect my pension right away even if i had to wait a few years to have a doctor find me disabled. Can't live on just social security alone, but could live on my pension along with my social security together.
I understand that your question is whether you can collect your pension before the age of 65. Do you understand that the answer to that question is not found in law, but in your pension plan, and that no one who has not read your specific plan can answer it?
But my question was if i lose my pension due to be terminated and therefore not entitled to collect a pension what course of action do i take to fight for keeping it

And since you have worked for more than ten years you are vested. That means your pension CANNOT be taken away. I already told you that.

What I cannot tell you is WHEN you can take it. ONLY someone who has read YOUR SPECIFIC PENSION PLAN can answer that.
All I know ozmets, is that I'm pulling for you, buddy.
It's nice when the little guy gets a slice of bread.
The big dogs take most everything else.
Yeah, buddy, I'm pulling for you.
I asked my wife to add your situation to her prayer group.
Those little old ladies are serious about prayer.
Yeah, I know how it feels to miss dad.
Mom and dad aren't here any longer, either.
But, the memories, boy what memories.
God bless, buddy.
If you can retire when this thing is over, I highly recommend it.
The world today ain't what it was when I started working at 13 years old.
I'm so happy to not even have to go to my mailbox to receive what I earned.
These days they direct deposit my four bucks and fifty cents (LOL) to any number of accounts.
Yeah, when this is over buddy, pull the pin.
Live your remaining days in peace, serenity, and stress free.
No one needs what they've put you through.
Thank you Judge, I would appreciate all the prayers i can get. lol. I had a retired cop just last month give me 3 PBA cards with his name and number on them just for doing my job. He said i go beyond what others have done for him since he has shopped in my store. I felt it was such a wonderful thing he did to show his appreciation and its those things that i'll miss from my job. My company is the last thing i'll miss and have been through more stuff over the past 15 years just because i don"t take anyone's crap/ My dad always said civil service is the way to go and i totally believe that now. lol Thanks again for your kind words and your words of wisdom. I will let you know if the prayers are heard all the way to New York :)
Yes i do understand that isn't a legal question i just thought someone would know the answer from past experience. I will post only questions that pretain to the law for now, thats if i think there law questions but turn out to be questions that aren't and if i do then am sorry ahead of time.
I would have to have past experience with your plan. I do benefits for a living and I've told you the answers that are answerable by law. But when it comes to questions that relate to your specific plans, no amount of experience is going to be enough to answer.
The reason is because you did not stop working because of your injury, so the union will not pay for early disability. If you obtained another job, worked for a sufficient period of time, then became disabled, you might be able to collect your pension early if deemed 100% disabled by SS.
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