Ah! Ok here goes.
Far warning though - you asked for this much information.
I'll break this down into a time format. Might be more digestable that way.
July 16th, 2007 - Job was posted in the local classified ads. Directed you to go to a website and apply if you were interested. I applied on said website at that time.
July 24th, 2007 - Status on website was updated. Said I have been qualified and referred to the hiring list for the positions.
November 2007 - Saw positions posted again in the local newspaper. Called number given. Was told the last list had been "exhausted". Thought that was strange since I was still on it, but hadn't heard anything.
December 2007 - Filed a complaint with DOL-VETs.
January 2008 - Received report of investigation by DOL-VETs that said "Everything seemed to be done correctly". But was told I could appeal to the MSPB if I wished to. So I filed an appeal with MSPB.
March 2008 - MSPB case was dismissed. Because I could not prove MSPB had jurisdiction over the matter. However in the agency reply to MSPB (I got a copy of it, as required). Several documents were included.
- The letter that the CO sent to the DOL-VETs investigator.
- The hiring list for these positons.
Both of these documents clearly show a violation occured. And that the CO lied to the investigator to cover those up.
March 2008 - Filed an FOIA request for a copy of the hiring list from the agency. (Did this so I would have a 2nd copy, that I could verify the information on the one sent to MSPB.)
July 2008 - Finally received my FOIA requested hiring list. It confirmed what was on the first one I'd received.
July 2008 - Began trying to contact DOL-VETs investigator. He would not return my emails, or voicemail messages. I also contacted DOL-IG and the DOL Compliance office. They also would not get back with me.
July 2008 - Contacted my Senator to see if he could get DOL-VETs to respond to him on the matter.
August 8th, 2008 - Submitted my information to DoD-IG. They have not replied as of yet.
August 18th, 2008 - Received an email from an employee at MSPB. Stating I should contact the local US Attorney on a violation of 18 USC 1001. Contacted him, was told his office would have no interest in pursuing the matter.
October 6th, 2008 - Contacted my Senator's office. Said they had just sent out their 3rd letter asking for a reply from DOL-VETs. But that they haven't received anything yet.
That's where I stand now. If you have any other questions please let me know.