Increase child support?

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New Member
I have read, over and over again, that if a NCP increases parenting time (overnight visitation) to more than 128 nights per year, child support obligations can decrease by 15-25%. My question is...then why can a NCP DECREASE visitation without increasing the amount of child support they pay????

My ex has missed 12-28% of his "court-ordered" visitation (and I realize that this term means absolutely NOTHING in this situation) during the last 4 years, which has caused $1000's of extra expenses for me and so much lost income that I can't even count. I'm a free-lance photographer and, because my ex refuses to give us more than 2 days notice of his intent to miss visitation, I have had to cancel many photo shoots in order to care for our 6 children when he refuses to. It's not just the money that concerns me...our children are feeling more and more alienated by their father every month. I have suggested that we work together to find a way to "make up" most of those days but he refuses. He wants LESS time with his kids which is REALLY REALLY sad!!!

Anyway, I think it is TOTALLY unfair that I'm "penalized" for being a decent parent while my ex is rewarded for being an MIA father much of the time. Even when he does take them, he does NOTHING with them. So, I was wondering if anyone has had success in modifying child support in a situation similar to this? I have kept every single one-line letter that he has sent (I will not have the kids on {date.}) and the post marks from the envelopes showing that he sent them a day or two before missing visitation. Is there ANY chance that we might get compensated for lost income or AT LEAST an increase in child support?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
You can try to seek court ordered compensation, I doubt you'll be successful.


Because, this is the bum you picked to sire six children with you.

There is no way that the court can order this deadbeat (you chose) to behave like a civilized human being, less alone, a father!!!

You're stuck with this creep (you selected to breed you six times) until the youngest child becomes an adult.

The children are the true victims.

They had no say in any of this.

The six children are the only victims of this tragic saga.

I commend you for finally wising up about this cad.

One day this wretched, vile, loser will wake up alone; desirous of a relationship with his children.

By then, the kids will have wised up, too! reimbursement for the lost income he caused BUT is there any chance that child support could get adjusted upward?

And yes, this was the man I CHOSE as a husband and father...SO WHAT???
I love how some "experts" here find it necessary to interject their opinions, opinions they formed after being given a TINY glimpse into a person's life, instead of offering the facts needed to truly help those who post here.

This "cad" is a very good doctor and WAS a good father for 16 years. Yes, it's sad that, since his new wife entered the picture 3 weeks into the separation, he no longer wanted to be a dad BUT, just as the court can not "order him to behave like a civilized human being," I could not force him to be the man I use to love. Yes, I agree that the children are the ones who suffer the most but for someone to imply that this "suffering" is my fault because I deliberately CHOSE a bad father for them is absolutely ridiculous!

So, if there are people out there that have factual information concerning child support modification, I would appreciate your help. Those who feel the need to "bash" other people with their unimformed opinions can go elsewhere for their ego boost.

Again, thank you for any HELPFUL information you can provide.
limarc said: reimbursement for the lost income he caused BUT is there any chance that child support could get adjusted upward?

And yes, this was the man I CHOSE as a husband and father...SO WHAT???
I love how some "experts" here find it necessary to interject their opinions, opinions they formed after being given a TINY glimpse into a person's life, instead of offering the facts needed to truly help those who post here.

This "cad" is a very good doctor and WAS a good father for 16 years. Yes, it's sad that, since his new wife entered the picture 3 weeks into the separation, he no longer wanted to be a dad BUT, just as the court can not "order him to behave like a civilized human being," I could not force him to be the man I use to love. Yes, I agree that the children are the ones who suffer the most but for someone to imply that this "suffering" is my fault because I deliberately CHOSE a bad father for them is absolutely ridiculous!

So, if there are people out there that have factual information concerning child support modification, I would appreciate your help. Those who feel the need to "bash" other people with their unimformed opinions can go elsewhere for their ego boost.

Again, thank you for any HELPFUL information you can provide.

Hire a lawyer, if you want customer service, as well as legal advice. The great physician is very successful. I suppose he will cheerfully reimburse you, if his current brood sow permits it.
All I can say is OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Voicing MY opinion of Army Judge would only lower my standards of how I treat people to his/her level...and I'm MUCH better than that.
All I can say is OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Voicing MY opinion of Army Judge would only lower my standards of how I treat people to his/her level...and I'm MUCH better than that.

Wow. How nasty you are.

There was NOTHING wrong in AJ's VOLUNTEERED answer to you.

Please go pay an attorney to advise you in this and EVERY MATTER you encounter.
All I can say is OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Voicing MY opinion of Army Judge would only lower my standards of how I treat people to his/her level...and I'm MUCH better than that.

Army Judge said nothing out of line.

You've already shown how low your standards are; you may want to stop doing that.
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HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love that "trolling" song you so generously dish out to everyone who opposes you. What a piece of work YOU are.

Once again, I ask those who have more than 1/2 a brain and knowledge of the child support laws in Iowa to respond. I have found several posts, legal articles and blogs that suggest that an increase in child support is a possibility when the NCP refuses to exercise his visitation. Has anyone had success in this situation?

Thanks again to those who respond with facts instead of half-a**ed opinions.
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love that "trolling" song you so generously dish out to everyone who opposes you. What a piece of work YOU are.

Once again, I ask those who have more than 1/2 a brain and knowledge of the child support laws in Iowa to respond. I have found several posts, legal articles and blogs that suggest that an increase in child support is a possibility when the NCP refuses to exercise his visitation. Has anyone had success in this situation?

Thanks again to those who respond with facts instead of half-a**ed opinions.

Dear heart, if you had any sense you'd realize that the trolling song is part of Bay's appears on every single one of her posts. :rolleyes:
Yep...and how sad is that?????????????

Not nearly as sad as the fact that it is so often applies....

You've been answered by a retired Judge/Attorney who gave you accurate information.

If you want more than that, feel free to pay a different attorney to tell you basically the same thing.
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