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This is a sensitive question but am wondering what the outcome would be.

I recently learned that my son had a sexual encounter with a 13 year old while he was living wiht his fiance. This happened only once and nothing was ever said about the matter.

However a recent trurn of events ( my son no longer lives with this woman) brought him to a hosiptal b/c he did not feel that what he did was right and told a therapist about his encounter. ( this was the one and only time it happened.) The daughter then bragged about it to her friend some 3 years later that this happened and never told the mother.

He was hospialized for 4 days in the hospital and did not think anymore about the matter, until police showed up at his door accusing of being a sexual predator. etc. Now evertything is a nightmre for both him and us. He is seeing a psychotherapist for what he did and he feels very remorseful for it. He was being honest when he told the therapist but now it has come back to haunt him. He cannot see his daughter ( 2 y.o.) for a year.

Might I say that DYS or whatever they are called badgered this girl until she told them what they wanted to hear. He is a good father and feels very remoseful for his actions. He is working and trying to turn his life around. Should he still be persecuted by both the police and others for what he did.

I am very upset over this whole thing but am trying to be supportive but everyone has him guilty b/4 hearing the evidence. Although I do not condone what he did, I do give him courage for doing the right thing.

We are not sure oft he outcome. Will he get probation? have to do community service, etc? I do not know if I need to invest money on obtaining an attorney ( we do not haev any) or letting this go on as it is , not knowing what will happen.

Any advice?

This is a sensitive question but am wondering what the outcome would be.

I recently learned that my son had a sexual encounter with a 13 year old while he was living wiht his fiance. This happened only once and nothing was ever said about the matter.

However a recent trurn of events ( my son no longer lives with this woman) brought him to a hosiptal b/c he did not feel that what he did was right and told a therapist about his encounter. ( this was the one and only time it happened.) The daughter then bragged about it to her friend some 3 years later that this happened and never told the mother.

He was hospialized for 4 days in the hospital and did not think anymore about the matter, until police showed up at his door accusing of being a sexual predator. etc. Now evertything is a nightmre for both him and us. He is seeing a psychotherapist for what he did and he feels very remorseful for it. He was being honest when he told the therapist but now it has come back to haunt him. He cannot see his daughter ( 2 y.o.) for a year.

Might I say that DYS or whatever they are called badgered this girl until she told them what they wanted to hear. He is a good father and feels very remoseful for his actions. He is working and trying to turn his life around. Should he still be persecuted by both the police and others for what he did.

I am very upset over this whole thing but am trying to be supportive but everyone has him guilty b/4 hearing the evidence. Although I do not condone what he did, I do give him courage for doing the right thing.

We are not sure oft he outcome. Will he get probation? have to do community service, etc? I do not know if I need to invest money on obtaining an attorney ( we do not haev any) or letting this go on as it is , not knowing what will happen.

Any advice?


Your son raped a child. He most certainly should be prosecuted. If you feel the urge to assist your son with his child rape case hire him an attorney...He will need it. But given that you KNOW he did it, I personally can't understand how you could assist him.
as far as age goes, to get married and how this is going, I'd think 18years old or more.

. . . if he didn't tell the therapist, would all the legal ramifications that followed occur?

You definately need to get a good criminal defense lawyer, one who handles statatory rape cases.

Are you sure he told it to a "therapist" or someone that needs to keep confidentiality? A licensed therapist should not have revealed what he told her.

Good Luck.
as far as age goes, to get married and how this is going, I'd think 18years old or more.

. . . if he didn't tell the therapist, would all the legal ramifications that followed occur?

You definately need to get a good criminal defense lawyer, one who handles statatory rape cases.

Are you sure he told it to a "therapist" or someone that needs to keep confidentiality? A licensed therapist should not have revealed what he told her.

Good Luck.

A therapist is a Mandated Reporter and by LAW has to report child abuse/molestation.
Mandated reproters dont have a time option!! Furthermore whose to say they are more or current victims! YES! the counselor did the right thing.

Now to OP the age of your son at time of event is very important! How old was he? I am not condoning his behavior he is not innocent or a victim here the young girl is! If you want to help then do as Bay says! He can expect to register as sex offender making any career near impossible
You need to get the therapist's license revoked. . .see if an attorney will also sue for monetary damages. . .

Why are you filling this posters head with nonsense!? The therpaist reported a possible pedophile which is required by law! No Attorney will touch this and if one did it wouldnt be on contingency!!
Sorry, a past act 3 years ago does not a pedophile make, isn't required by law. How did you diagnose him as a pedophile? Are you a therapist too? Ha ha ha.

Go find me the law. You can't.
You one side view blinds you! I didnt say that I said possible. The therpaist has no way to know! Hence they importance to report this as per the law! Wha tif there are other victims? Wha tif the person is still offending? Too many what ifs! You must not have children!
We are talking about whats legal this is a law website not a offenders protection site! The law requires certain profession to report abuse! Its that simple. Whether you think its wrong or not depends on how much sympathy you have for pedophiles I guess. The therapist acted within the law!
Mandatory reporting laws vary by state. In California, if this therapist were to fall into the category of a mandated reporter (and unless the "therapist" was a friend or neighbor, he or she probably is a mandated reporter), then the therapist may well have been legally obligated to report the abuse. Failure to make such notification can result in criminal prosecution for the therapist.

The laws in other states may vary, and since I do not recall the OP posting the state where this occurred, local state laws may be different.

In my state the mandated reporter is generally immune from civil suit in such cases, and even if some action is taken against the reporter, the state will reimburse up to $50,000 towards the legal defense of the reporter.

PC 11166. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (d), and in Section
11166.05, a mandated reporter shall make a report to an agency
specified in Section 11165.9 whenever the mandated reporter, in his
or her professional capacity or within the scope of his or her
employment, has knowledge of or observes a child whom the mandated
reporter knows or reasonably suspects has been the victim of child
abuse or neglect. The mandated reporter shall make an initial report
to the agency immediately or as soon as is practicably possible by
telephone and the mandated reporter shall prepare and send, fax, or
electronically transmit a written followup report thereof within 36
hours of receiving the information concerning the incident. The
mandated reporter may include with the report any nonprivileged
documentary evidence the mandated reporter possesses relating to the
The related sections can be found here:

- Carl
he is not a pedophile. this was one night of an indiscretion that he will never do again and felt really guilty about. This young lady wanted to know what sex was like and after constantly groping him, etc. he gave in,wrong thing to do. She bragged about this with her friend. My son was not married and living with his fiancee at the time. they are no longer together. He has only done this once and felt so remorseful that he wanted to kill himself. He told the therapist who blew it way out of proportion and told the police that he forced himself on her ( that was incorrect) and it happened more than once ( that was incorrect). He understands his actions but PEDOPHILE he is not. He is a very good father and would never hurt his children and protect them. He is going for active therapy on a continuing basis and knows what he needs to do.

(This happened 3 years ago once and never happened again) and they continued to live together until recently. The daughter never felt threatened at any time.
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