Can You Smell If Someone Drank Vodka?
According to the National Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, vodka isn't just colorless and tasteless, but it's also odorless. As a result, you can't smell if someone is drinking or has recently drunk vodka, with a few exceptions. Because of how popular vodka has become, there are now tons of different flavors available. So, while pure, unflavored vodka doesn't have a smell or taste, vodka with flavorings added to it will have an odor.
The caveat to the idea that vodka doesn't have a smell or taste is that an excess of alcohol does. Therefore, if you drink too much vodka, there's a better chance that someone will be able to smell it on your breath. Another way that an excess of vodka is detectable is because of the other ingredients it contains, such as corn, rye, and yeast.
Why Does Vodka Not Smell On Your Breath?
The main reason that small amounts of vodka don't smell on your breath is because of how vodka is made. Vodka undergoes multiple distillations, filtering out its full flavor and odor profiles. However, the more vodka you drink, the more alcohol you're putting into your body, which means there's a higher probability that it will eventually smell on your breath.
The best way to keep the smell of vodka out of your breath is not to drink too much of it. That goes for all forms of unflavored alcoholic beverages. The drink itself and low doses of alcohol may not smell, but enough of a concentration eventually will.
Which Types Of Alcoholic Beverages Are Odorless?
Because most people like a bit of flavor with their drinks, most alcoholic beverages have ingredients that add tastes and odors. However, there are several types of beverages that are completely odorless. The first and most popular of these beverages is vodka. While it's produced to be colorless and odorless, a heavy concentration will give off a smell.
Gin is the second type of alcohol with little to no smell or taste. Gin works very similarly to vodka in that small doses won't show up on your breath. However, if you drink enough alcohol, it will be evident in your actions, your breath, and your skin.
Does Vodka Smell? 3 Cool Tricks To Get Rid Of Alcohol Smell