Car in my name

Louise Louis

New Member
Cars in my name and wife left me she is shacked up with another guy and they are driving my car she is a heavy drinker and found out she hit a coal truck the other day. I am terriied she is going to hurt someone and i will lose everything I've worked for. Can i go and repo the car when she is at work.
Cars in my name

Can i go and repo the car when she is at work.

I suppose you can, but it might be better to ask the police to meet you to do a civil standby while you retrieve your property.

You should be prepared by having a copy of the registration, proof of insurance, along with a valid drivers license.

If her bed buddy is home, and the car is parked on PRIVATE property, I wouldn't try to retrieve the car.

In fact, if the car is damaged, you might be better off by signing the title of the car over to her to avoid fisticuffs if her bedmate appears.

In fact, if I were you, I'd simply start divorce proceedings and get this adulterer out of my life forever!

But, you didn't ask about that, did you?

I suggest you think about this before acting, or ending up with an even bigger mess on your hands.

Best of luck to you, buddy.
You can also hire a tow company to repo the car and deliver it to whatever place you like for storage.
If you take it and she knows where to find it you can expect it to disappear when you aren't looking.
Police likely won't consider it stolen if she takes it.