6 year old daughter

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New Member
I really need some help.... I would like to relocate to HI from Las Vegas, NV. I have joint custody with my ex(never married) and know he will not agree to the relocation. I would like to move away from Las Vegas since our school system is horrible, and the fact that this city has done nothing but caused me trouble. I have a job and home lined up in HI. How and where should I go to start the process? Thanks
The first thing you would have to do is go to court and seek to have the court allow this move by modifying the custody and visitation orders. The problem you might get into is that the court might decide that you will have to bear the brunt of any travel expenses to send your child back for visitation with dad. It might also be possible that he court will decide that dad should obtain custody and you will get periodic visitation.

Making such a radical move often places a great burden on the person doing the move to justify it and to address the new situation with regard to visitation.
I really need some help.... I would like to relocate to HI from Las Vegas, NV. I have joint custody with my ex(never married) and know he will not agree to the relocation. I would like to move away from Las Vegas since our school system is horrible, and the fact that this city has done nothing but caused me trouble. I have a job and home lined up in HI. How and where should I go to start the process? Thanks

You can do anything you want.
But, if you wish to take your child, you'll have to petition the court for a hearing on the matter.
That will take time to occur, usually 6-8 weeks in the future.
You'll tell your side, he/she will tell their story.
Usually such request are denied, if the other party objects.
If your request is granted, be prepared to pay for the child to travel between HI & NV to visit the other parent.
You might want to speak with a local attorney about this, as it isn't easy, especially if the other parent objects.
The initial consultation is normally provided at no cost.
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