Who to tell, what to fill out, where to go when hub lying on EVERY divorce form


New Member
I am getting divorced, but recently discovered my husband was a compulsive, habitual liar and he was leading a double life. I don't even know the man that is living there (until we figure that out). Tons of secrets and women and hotel room bills and drugs, etc. He was telling his mother that we were "over" (when Linda dropped Jeffoff -- like my mommy used to drop me off at the roller rink on Friday nights wwith $5 to spend on video games in TILT.
My question is: Is there a legal form that one can fill out, like a complaint or something about someone? Or do they just get away with it??!
My i5$when I was about 8. ing)
Lies aren't illegal, unless one gets popped for LYING under oath.

That, of course, would be perjury.

ou hate him.
He hates you.
Make it easy on yourself, do whatever it takes to divorce the diseased bag of monkey poop.

Yes, he lies, so stop listening to the lies.
Get your freedom and be done with the bum.

No, the divorce court referee doesn't acre, the bailiff doesn't care, the state legislature doesn't care, ONLY you care; so let it go and break the chains.