My situation is a bit confusing so bear with me as I try to give all the important information needed. When I first started my divorce the temporary order signed by the judge stated that I had primary custody of my children and my children's father was to pay child support according to the state guidelines which on his salary was capped at the max $1875 a month in child support. He quit his job and I was unable to afford my lawyer and he convinced me that without me having a lawyer anymore he would get his high priced lawyer to get him primary custody. Out of fear of losing my children I agreed to joint custody where he still pays child support and I don't. Both he and I signed the final divorce decree but my lawyer that I still owe money to won't sign it. His lawyer has filed this agreement with the courts but it has just sat there. This was almost a year ago keep in mind. In that time he has not once paid over $300 a month for child support instead of the $1875 that he is supposed to be paying. I also recently found out that he has been drinking excessively again while the children are in his custody. My question is which agreement do I have to abide by? The original order that is the only one signed by a judge and my lawyer states I have custody. Is the agreement for joint custody that I signed a legal and binding agreement even though my lawyer will not sign it nor has the judge? I cannot file through the attorney general because of all of this (I already tried). My lawyer had mentioned that he could try to get the courts to make my ex pay for the lawyer fees but if I have already signed something I don't know if he can now. Just to talk to my lawyer is $300 an hour and I can't afford it with 2 kids and no help coming in for him just to tell me there's nothing he can do. I'm financialy drowning and about to lose everything. Any advice would help! Thanks you so much in advance!