When does an employee become eligibility for pension benefits


New Member
I started working for LAUSD in April 1986 on a non-regular temp assignment, as indicated by pay code of my check stub. At 90 days or roughly 1000 hours my pay code changed to regular services and I continued working my temp assignment until April 1987. My temp assignment turned into a permenant position in April 1987 and I began seeing deductions into the pers retirement system.

When pay code changed to regular services was I eligibly for membership into the pers retirement system?

You can inquire with them directly:


They can tell you how much you have in the system and your eligibility to withdraw it based upon time and age.
It would be exceedingly rare for a temp position to count as service time, and even more rare in the era you reference. You *might* be able to purchase that service time as many plans do permit that under certain circumstances. You will need to contact your plan administrators or CALPERS directly.