When can you fight Child Support if child is over 18

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New Member
My daughter turned 18 in feb, I was awarded sole physical custody in 2006, prior to that I had sole physical and legal custody. My daughter decided to move in with her dad and he is sueing me for child support until she graduates in may. I make double what he makes and my support payment was recommended to be 566 a month by foc the referee who did not want to listen that my support order states "support continues until 18 or grad high school as long as she is residing with the custodial parent" I can appeal the recommendation by FOC but would it be worth it?
May is but 2 months away.
It isn't worth fighting over.
SURE, you could fight, but why?
Pay the bum the $1200 and be done with it.
You have the rest of your life to enjoy.
This horrid chapter is about over.
LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH, let it go!!!!!
I know it will be over soon but it really burns me that he hasnt done anything for her (for the first 7 years he saw her maybe 6 times) and he lets her do everything. In the 3 weeks she has lived with him so far she has skipped school 5 times. I have already received a letter that she is at the half way mark of failing for the whole semester (she really only needs a half a point to graduate).
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I know it will be over soon but it really burns me that he hasnt done anything for her (for the first 7 years he saw her maybe 6 times) and he lets her do everything. In the 3 weeks she has lived with him so far she has skipped school 5 times. I have already received a letter that she is at the half way mark of failing for the whole semester (she really only needs a half a point to graduate).

Your daughter is LEGALLY an adult.

You should inform the school to remove you from their notification list.

By operation of law, she is an adult.

So, you should not be notified, anyway.

It is obvious that she is spreading her wings.

She is SHOWING you, while SCREWING herself.

That is sad.

There is, however, nothing more you can do.

He allows her to do as she pleases.

That is his continual GIFT to you.

Just walk away, and live a great life.

They continue to choose unwisely.

But, you already KNOW that he is a ne'er do well and a bum!

She may wake up one day, who knows?

If she does, you can be there.

If she doesn't DO NOT permit either of them to destroy your life.

You tried.

Sometimes that is all one can do.

God bless you.
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