What do I do?

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New Member
My son is turning 10 years old soon. I have not been with his mother since he was born. Her parents are the ones who are raising him but her name appears in the court papers as custodial parent.
Getting a lawyer is very expensive to me and I don't know what to do in order to prove that she doesnt live in the same residence. She has been in and out of the their home for all these years.
I pay child support, insurance, all out of pockets expenses and according to her parents she pays half of the out of pockets expenses which I doubt. I am almost paying $700 a month including arrears.
Now that he is getting older they are asking for even more money because I am pay 20% of minimum wage that hasn't changed since the paperwork was drawn up. I don't find this to be fair at all because I don't think she is paying anything at all. What would your suggestion be in a case like mine?
Also, since I live with my gf who has money they think I have money too and I don't! And there should be no reason why my gf should be involved in any of this. Please help! thanks!
Your needs are beyond the help we can provide.
You need to hire a lawyer ASAP and get the lawyer to help you.
Otherwise, they'll continue the little charade and scam you for 8 more years!!!
The reality is that it doesn't really matter - Texas cares only about the NCP's income. He'd be paying 20% regardless of who's actually getting the payments.

His only real recourse would be filing for custody himself, but the grandparents would have a really easy case for keeping him there themselves (given that he's lived there forever, practically).

I don't see this situation changing for the better, for OP.
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