What could of happened to me?

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New Member
Im having an issue with one of my managers...the other day there was a homeless person asking for money and all druged out in the front of our store which they are not allowed so i asked him if he needed help first asked him nicely he had to leave because its private property so he pulled out a needle on me and told me "dont make me use this on you" so i called my manager who a few feet away on his personal cell phone which we are not allow to use)..and he just ignores me..not wanting to leave the homeless man there because im trying to focus on what he might do to me or our vauled customers im there still calling out for my manager to come then the man finally leaves....my point is what are my rights now? What if the man would of poked me and i couyld of gotten sick? I dont know what he had in that? What can i do or should do?
You can't do anything about what might have happened. As for what you can do now, are you suffering any damages? Did you get disciplined? Demoted? Fired? What rights are you asking about?
well not really about what would of happened to me, but on the managers behalf. i dont think he had the right to ignore me.he's on his phone..when my life is beening threatend.hes the kind of manager that i should look up to? so unprofessional
The lesson here for you, OP, is the next time you see a dangerous character' simply dial "911".

Your manager didn't know why you were calling.

What could your manager have done, that you weren't able to do?
Let the crazed, homeless person, stab him/her with the dirty needle?

You don't have a badge or a gun.
You have a smock, cell phone, and a cash register.
Use that cell phone to call the police.

The police KNOW what to do to crazed individuals threatening people with dirty needles!!!

I almost forgot.
You asked, "What could have happened to me?"

You could have been stabbed by the crazed, homeless guy with an AIDS infected needle.

Eventually you would have incubated the AIDS virus, dying a slow, painful death.

Today was a very luck day for you!!!
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If you are asking what kind of legal action you can take against the manager who did not immediately drop everything and come to your aid, the answer is, None.
CA has very stringent (not to mention OSHA) workplace safety standards. Your manager, who is supposed to be "responsible" for your safety, is about as useful as most managers are.
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