Very Scared mom

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Very Scared mom,

I have Joint Physical Custody of my 16 year old daughter. My daughter and I live in California. Divorce and Custody agreement was made in Missouri. Now since then my daughter and I have moved to California where my Ex husband had resided. So we moved out to California as well. Since then he has moved back to Missouri. My ex husband has an arrearage of over 3500.00 in back child support and has now stopped paying current child support and has quit his job. Although I didn't know this before his visitation came up for the summer visit to Missouri. I put our daughter on the plane to Missouri on July 10th thinking everything was ok. Now that she is there he has called me and said he is not putting our daughter back on the plane on July 25th unless he gets something in writing from a judge that states that his arrearage has been erased. What rights do I have if he doesn't put our daughter on the plane back to me in California? Please help I am so scared that he will not return her to me.
Very Scared mom,

I have Joint Physical Custody of my 16 year old daughter. My daughter and I live in California. Divorce and Custody agreement was made in Missouri. Now since then my daughter and I have moved to California where my Ex husband had resided. So we moved out to California as well. Since then he has moved back to Missouri. My ex husband has an arrearage of over 3500.00 in back child support and has now stopped paying current child support and has quit his job. Although I didn't know this before his visitation came up for the summer visit to Missouri. I put our daughter on the plane to Missouri on July 10th thinking everything was ok. Now that she is there he has called me and said he is not putting our daughter back on the plane on July 25th unless he gets something in writing from a judge that states that his arrearage has been erased. What rights do I have if he doesn't put our daughter on the plane back to me in California? Please help I am so scared that he will not return her to me.

What does your custody order direct as to where you and your daughter are to reside?

How long have you resided in California?

When was the latest order issued?

How much monthly support is her father required to pay?

($3,500 isn't that much money. How many months in arrears is her father?)
(Did you mean to say, $35,000 in arrears? If so, how many months is that?)

What have you done to collect the amount in arrears?

Does the custody order require you to pay the child's transportation costs from California to Missouri?
What does your custody order direct as to where you and your daughter are to reside? Answere: Joint legal cusody physaical custody to me the Mother. The child shall attensd school where the mother resides.

How long have you resided in California? Answere: 10 months. Her father was here in california staring his life over after leaving his wife now with another women. All my family is here in california so we made the move October 10th then his relationship didn't work out so he moved back to missouri. Deni started high school this past year and I do not want to bounce her from school to school she is on the honor role here and is doing wonderful! Deni is a Officer of her 4H Cub! She is also a Mentore for her sophomore year to come. She is also a active member for a suicide prevention group. Deni has been on an IEP since pre school so this is quite the achievement

When was the latest order issued? Her father has been paying the state of california child support since it took a about two months to get reestablished so we were on aid and food stamps. Since then I have gotten a full time job with a decent wage to pay the bills without the states help. And my husband also has gotten a full time position as well now.

How much monthly support is her father required to pay? Answere: 700.00 with 100 going towards the area rage.

($3,500 isn't that much money. How many months in arrears is her father?)
(Did you mean to say, $35,000 in arrears? If so, how many months is that?)Answer: I am sorry it is just over 20,OOO.OO He paid 5 months in 2009 O payments in 2008 we were divorced 2-9-2004 He got married on February 21,2004. He paid child support through the courts 2004 pretty well. Then from 2005 it has been hit and miss
In 2010 he has paid march april may and part of june then went in and quit his job. He has not notified child support Division of new job info or new resident or phone info as of yet.
What have you done to collect the amount in arrears?
Answere: worked with child support division to receive 100 at least a month to go towards his areage

Does the custody order require you to pay
the child's transportation costs from California to Missouri?
answer: Relocation parties shall comply with the provisions of section 452.377.11 1. Notify certified mail within 60 days intended residence and so forth. Do to the fact he was already here and was asking us to relocate here to california. We are responsible for our transportation. He bought the round trip ticket for this two weeks summer vacation to missouri left on July 10 and back home to california on July 25
Doesnt state what state we should live in. Just states with Mother. We have been living in California 10 months now. Father pays 700 a month Child support and 100 towards arrears. We both pay for our own transportation. The father was living in California thats one of our reasons for relocating to california. His relationship didnt work out so he went back to missouri. What can I do if he does not put her back on the plane to come home?
krisraines1015 said:
Doesnt state what state we should live in. Just states with Mother. We have been living in California 10 months now. Father pays 700 a month Child support and 100 towards arrears. We both pay for our own transportation. The father was living in California thats one of our reasons for relocating to california. His relationship didnt work out so he went back to missouri. What can I do if he does not put her back on the plane to come home?

You should speak with a California attorney about this. The initial consultation is free.

You'll probably be told that you'll have to go back to Missouri and request the court to order him to give her back to you. You could try to
( when you're back in Missouri), ask the police to go with you to his home and get your daughter. They might not see this as a civil matter.

Whatever you do, you're going to have to go back to Missouri to do it. As a last gasp measure, before you travel to Missouri, you could go to your nearest FBI office and tell them about what he's doing. If you're lucky, they might consider what he's done a parental kidnapping and have their Missouri agents get your daughter for you. Hopefully, when they do, he will be arrested, too.

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