Unfit mother.

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My fiance and I may be in a custody battle in the upcoming months. We just found out he may be the father of a four year old child. We have to establish paternity first, and if he is the father, we feel we need to fight for full custody. The mother is just plain trash. Has a criminal past, has five children by different men, two of which she does not have custody of. She is in abusive relationship after abusive relationship, her friends are all druggies and jailbirds, she is just bad news. It's hard enough to live with the fact that my fiance was able to have a drunken one night stand with such trash but to think a part of him may be living with her is upsetting. Her new husband has been arrested three times within this past year, one of which consisted of him holding her hostage! .And yes, she is a welfare queen. Never holds a job, lives off the child support of four different men. It's people like her that our judicial system seems to protect. What do you think our chances are of eventually gaining full custody? There have been two men prior to my fiance tested for paternity. She has waited four years to have this done!!!
Well it wouldn't hurt to talk to an attorney but the courts do not take custody away simply because the mom is on welfare. The fact that he barley knows the boy is going to be a problem and he probably would be better off fighting for visitation and getting acquainted with the child first, then asking for custody.
Simply being on welfare was not the point I was stressing. I thought maybe the fact that her husband, this child's "stepfather", holding her in a hostage situation, the company she keeps being people who abuse drugs, the fact that she does not have custody of two of her five illegitamite children, one of these facts may contribute to SOMETHING!!!!!!!! What kind of world do we live in when anything can call themselves a mother, therefore holding more rights to an innocent child, than two loving individuals who are hard working, ethical people trying to do the right thing? The only reason he does not know this boy is because he just found out he existed!!!!
Then have Dad talk to an attorney, and keep interviewing attorneys until he finds one willing to take the case.
If results come back positive that he is the father, then we are obviously getting an attorney. I just wanted to know if we stood a chance that's all.................
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