Unethical behavior




I was terminated from employment with no explanation why. I asked what was the premise and again the answer was your bossed talked to you. The problem was there wasnt any counseling verbal or written. Since this boss has been in position he has lied regarding his mistakes and reported to corparate that they thought it was me but he handled it. I have been carrying the slack of this boss and working when he doesnt show up. I open and close for him. He has tried to force me to use my vacation prior to dismissal and emailed me I couldn't use my sick time accumulated. Can I sue for defamation of character? I also have coworkers who remain scared to report his actions. There has also been no evidence of me having poor work performance. A couple weeks before my dismissal I tried to make a report. HR wouldnt call me back or answer my emails. I realized long ago I had no protection at work but it became evident that nothing will be done. In addition I was being verbally attacked by a coworker with a poor work ethic who was close to the boss. Who in turn got promoted. Can you also sue for hostile environment?
You can sue, but you have no cause of action.
You can be terminated without notice, reason, or discussion at anytime as at will employee.
An employer has no obligation to explain, discuss, document,or counsel an at will employee.

You can seek new employment, or file for unemployment.

Good luck.
Sorry, you have nothing to sue for. You worked for an ahole. It happens. Probably won't be the last time in your life that it happens.

File for unemployment and find another job.

Understand that when it comes to the relationship between bosses and employees, HR works for the bosses.

Guess which one you are in this picture.

I'll assume that you don't have an employment contract, which many do not. As such, you are in an "at will" employment meaning that your employer can terminate you at his or her will. In most instances employment related lawsuits revolve around workers compensation issues, whistleblowers, harassment and employment discrimination. With regard to discrimination, it usually revolves around being a member of a protected class of people under the law including race, religion, age and gender. As @adjusterjack illustrates, being part of a smaller class of people unfortunately does not qualify. Sorry to hear about your termination.
harassment/hostile work environment:
That too. Thanks. I knew there was one I forgot to elaborate upon, lol. I'm not sure this is applicable for the same reasons - usually only available for a protected class. Unfortunately even if such a case existed it would be very difficult and costly to prove.