Transportation issues


New Member
My ex and I are supposed to base all our visiting time with the Indiana parenting time guidelines. In that it states we both split transportation costs. I pay to get them here where I live in Washington and he pays to get them back to Indiana. I paid to get them here and then the whole Christmas break I've not heard from him. When I finally text him about flight arrangements, he said I thought you were paying for them. I told him no, to refer to the parenting time guidelines and never heard anymore from him. What am I supposed to do if he doesn't pay to get them back? They go back to school on Jan 4th, if I haven't heard from him, do I enroll them in school over here. We have joint legal custody with him having primary because I signed a mutual agreement years ago. Not because I'm in drugs or anything of that nature.
You write that you are using the Indiana guidelines but is there a court order specifying those obligations and addressing any consequences of failure to comply?
There is a court order that states we must abide by Indiana parenting time guidelines. No there is specific verbage in our current order that addresses violation of the guidelines except of course being held in contempt.
My ex and I are supposed to base all our visiting time with the Indiana parenting time guidelines. In that it states we both split transportation costs. I pay to get them here where I live in Washington and he pays to get them back to Indiana. I paid to get them here and then the whole Christmas break I've not heard from him. When I finally text him about flight arrangements, he said I thought you were paying for them. I told him no, to refer to the parenting time guidelines and never heard anymore from him. What am I supposed to do if he doesn't pay to get them back? They go back to school on Jan 4th, if I haven't heard from him, do I enroll them in school over here. We have joint legal custody with him having primary because I signed a mutual agreement years ago. Not because I'm in drugs or anything of that nature.

I suggest you consult with an attorney.
You don't want to make such an important decision based on FREE information received from strangers.

I consider every situation to be a set up.

What if this is his ploy to set you up?