The respondednt is in prison need help with CA divorce

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New Member
Hi well i filed for divorce in Jan 2010 and kept up as much as i could, then on a routine visit in August 2010 he assulted me amongst many many other things, nows he been setenced to prison for 18 years, he responded to the divorce I cant figure out how to request that the court allow me to proceed without him. I have asked any where and everyone I can but no luck. Can anyone tell me how to request this fromthe court?
Hi well i filed for divorce in Jan 2010 and kept up as much as i could, then on a routine visit in August 2010 he assulted me amongst many many other things, nows he been setenced to prison for 18 years, he responded to the divorce I cant figure out how to request that the court allow me to proceed without him. I have asked any where and everyone I can but no luck. Can anyone tell me how to request this fromthe court?

Okay, here are some websites that should provide you with all you need to know to do a pro se divorce.
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