Tennessee emancipation


taylor newman

Okay, so i'm a 17 year old who is in high-school. I'm in a unsteady home with my mother and i want out as soon as possible and i read i can leave when i graduate high-school. I plan on staying at my dads house with my 19 year old brother. Problem is my dad works in Alabama but he has the house up here. I want to know if i can be relied of my moms custody. I do not want to have anything to do with her. So, if I'm 17 years old yet have graduated high school in the state of Tennessee can i leave my mothers home and go to my dads house?
The age of majority (adulthood) is 18 years of age in TN.


Contract Questions and Answers

That doesn't mean 17 years, 11 months, and 15 days old.
It means 18 years old.

You can forget about emancipation.
Emancipation is intended for minors fending for themselves through no fault of their own, working, self supporting, making it, not faking it.
However, the process is lengthy, as nine months or more.
Even if you we're self supporting and could prove it to the court's satisfaction you'd be an adult before the case had been adjudicated.

Sorry, mate, you're stuck with mom unless you convince her to allow you to live with dad.

The good news is that at one second after midnight on your next birthday, you'll be forever free.

Free to go anywhere you won't to go.

Trust me mate, being an adult is overrated.
It's no picnic.
It's just one, long, hard, dangerous slog.
So, if I'm 17 years old yet have graduated high school in the state of Tennessee can i leave my mothers home and go to my dads house?

If you have the permission of BOTH your parents, yes. If you do not have the permission of BOTH your parents, no.

When you are 18, you can live anywhere you like and no one can do a thing about it. As long as you are still 17, EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL, you live where your custodial parent says you live.