small claims decision process

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New Member
just wondering if it was really typical for a judge to take a long time to make a ruling on a small claims case? we have been waiting for our judgement for a week now and according to the state (CT) the judge has 45 days to decide. Yikes! We were being sued (of course in our opinion wrongfully) for $5,000. It really stinks to have been waiting a week already! I looked up all the other cases for our court date and they were already done and entered on the online system. I am also scared because I thought we had a VERY solid case and can't believe we would really lose $5,000!
It would depend on what evidence was entered in to the case. There may be something that is having to be verified.
Or the judge or arbitrator may have put it on the side before taking off for a week vacation to the Bahamas! There might not be anything sinister going on and there is also snail mail which might come into play. Worry not and in a short time you should have your answer. Good luck.
thank you both for your responses. considering we were being sued for a private party used car sale for scratches and fingerprints on the car, i didn't really think he was going to win 5,000 from us but waiting 10 days was nerve wracking! i called the courts yesterday and they said the file was sitting on the desk and she said she was going to call the judge to remind him and sure enough this morning our case is updated online with a ruling completely in our favor-we owe nothing! thank goodness!
I don't mean to be rude but a Judge is not allowed to "verify" anything outside of evidence given in the courtroom.
Don't worry. TheLawProfessor is probably right. The Judge usually makes a decision on the spot, but he may have taken it under advisement because he wanted to look up other rulings as guidance in your case. It may be good for you.
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