Slander and possible entrapment from prior job

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I was let go from my job about a week ago. Everything was fine until I got divorced and came out about being gay in April. From there they switched my schedule four different times in less than a month knowing i hadno car and started making it more difficult to get to work but I still made it. While I was at work people treated me like I was non existant. I went to my manager several times about people preaching to me at work and talking about me to others and nothing was done. Finally they fired me for a comment I made when I was off the clock and on my own personal time. We were never able to use the Internet connection at work and all the sudden people were given the password and told we could use it on our breaks, nothing else was said about it. I used the internet to check my web page at work. The day I was fired my facility manager called me to his office and had my private (blocked) fb page up, and fired me for a status that was made at home on my own time and it was quoted. I had no clue they could get my password and info. Isn't that entrapment? Anyway, after I was let go, I've been hearing from several people that my ex boss is slandering me to people I don't even know!! I'm embarassed as it is! Isn't there something that can be done to just make them leave my name out of their mouth? They also told me If I am caught talking about the company at all they will sue me and that Dr. W has "eyes everywhere" I felt threatened... I don't understand! What can I do? I don't care about sueing, I just don't want my name tarnished by hateful lies anymore, please help.
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Its their computer anything you do on it grants them access. If you failed to log out that is how they got in.
I was on my own device, just using their connection. Either way isn't that illegal to access someone's private info without telling them? Either way I don't care so much about that as much as what they're saying behind my back to people.. It's hurting my job opportunities! I didn't know when I used them as a reference that they would be talking slanderous about me!!
"Defamation that is oral or spoken. It is a false statement made about a person, shared with at least one other person, that harms the defamed person's reputation or standing in the community. Slander is a civil wrong ..."
I know what slander is. Yes, the resins they are saying I was fired are false. I'm not looking for revenge on someone who fired me, I'm just wanting to know what I can do to get them to stop smearing my name to possible new employers and others that don't even know me, but are hearing about it from my ex boss, even though I was let go over a week ago.
Nothing you say here amounts to slander, though it may be happening. You need more information if you want to proceed.
It is not entrapment either.
As for the Facebook page, there are a variety of ways they could have accessed it legally.
Gossiping about someone isn't slandering them.
They're gossiping, from what you say.
I suggest you move on, and shut up.
The more you talk about it, the more they'll talk about it.
If I were you, I'd let it go.
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