Shoplifted under $100 worth of clothes will I be drug tested even though I dont have to go to court?


New Member
I was caught shoplifting with my friend at a Target and we stole a little over $50 worth of clothing. The officer told me there that I would either get a call, which meant I would not have to go to court and I would either be doing community service or a theft class, or, I wouldn't get a call and that would indicate that I was to show up in court. I received a call from who I presume may be my probation officer but she didn't really specify. I have a meeting with her this upcoming week and I was wondering if I would be drug tested upon this meeting..?
The officer told me there that I would either get a call, which meant I would not have to go to court and I would either be doing community service or a theft class, or, I wouldn't get a call and that would indicate that I was to show up in court.

Is this a police officer or a loss prevention officer? From whom are you supposed to get this call? The notion that not getting a call would mean you have to show up in court (where and when?) is downright bizarre.

I received a call from who I presume may be my probation officer but she didn't really specify. you have a probation officer? The only reason you'd have a probation officer is if you were convicted of a crime and were sentenced to probation. Have you been convicted of any crime and did your sentence include probation?

I have a meeting with her this upcoming week and I was wondering if I would be drug tested upon this meeting..?

I'm at a loss to understand why you think this might happen.
The police officer never specified who the call would even be from. But he did tell me that if I was to get the call my two options were community service or a theft class. This women called me and my mother on the same day, telling us to meet with her on the 10th of this month for a meeting. And no..i was never convicted or sentenced in court or anything like that so..
You are not on probation and do not have a probation officer.
You have no obligation to go to any meeting. This sounds scammy to me...
I'd not have any further contact with anyone about this. The only thing you are rquired to respond to is a summons to court, and those don't come by phone and won't be mistaken for something else.
Apparently you are a minor- your parents make the decisions. You don't have any outings yourself.
You might caution mom to speak to an attorney before agreeing to do anything, and definitely before agreeing to pay anyone any sum of money.
The police officer never specified who the call would even be from. But he did tell me that if I was to get the call my two options were community service or a theft class. This women called me and my mother on the same day, telling us to meet with her on the 10th of this month for a meeting. And no..i was never convicted or sentenced in court or anything like that so..

Are you a minor or an adult?

If you are a minor, IMMEDIATELY come clean with your parents.

If your parents are smart, hire a lawyer, nothing will come of this alleged charge.

As a minor, if the cops wish to talk with you simply say, "Sorry, I want to cal my parents, and I want a lawyer."

Then say NOTHING until your mother or father arrives, and don't discuss the incident in the police station.

Don't break any laws, but never admit to breaking a law if asked about it.

Again, always say, "I'm a minor, I want my mommy and daddy. I want a lawyer."

Then start crying, sobbing, slobbering, but don't say one word, not even hello.