sexual harassment

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New Member
I'm a tenured professor. A year ago, I dated a 20 year old student for about 3 weeks. We never had sex. Her mother knew and was fine with it. This year, I dated another 20 year old student for 2 weeks, again without any sex, and with her parent's knowledge and approval. The former student, out of jealousy, ran to the administration and complained of sexual harassment. I have a long list of emails from the former student about how we were friends (until the jealousy), how she was in love with me, etc. She even brought me some bread about 3 weeks ago.

Now I'm facing a charge of sexual harassment, with the likelihood of termination. If the dating was consensual at the time, involved no actual sex, can it be claimed as sexual harassment a year later?
I'm a tenured professor. A year ago, I dated a 20 year old student for about 3 weeks. We never had sex. Her mother knew and was fine with it. This year, I dated another 20 year old student for 2 weeks, again without any sex, and with her parent's knowledge and approval. The former student, out of jealousy, ran to the administration and complained of sexual harassment. I have a long list of emails from the former student about how we were friends (until the jealousy), how she was in love with me, etc. She even brought me some bread about 3 weeks ago.

Now I'm facing a charge of sexual harassment, with the likelihood of termination. If the dating was consensual at the time, involved no actual sex, can it be claimed as sexual harassment a year later?

Where have you been hiding for the last 40 odd years, Professor?

What you admitted to doing likely violated your institution's workplace rules.

Then to pile STUPID on top of STUPID, you think that the mother of a 20 year old adult can give you permission to ravish, debauch, or date her daughter.

I suggest you hire a lawyer, ASAP.

A good lawyer MIGHT be able to salvage a way you can leave your position, without the stain of Hester Prynne.

Its a longshot, but you've foolishly put yourself in a very precarious predicament.
It would certainly not be illegal for your employer to terminate you. (though that may not be your main concern)
Even without a claim of sexual harrassment, I wouldn't expect you to be able to keep your job. Dating students is definitely a large conflict of interest--even if they never claim SH. I am surprised there is no formal policy regarding it.

As a mom of two 18 yo girls, it doesn't matter if the parents gave permission or not. They are not your employer nor are they the person you chose to date (even with no sex). It would be very easy for either young lady to say that they felt they had to "perform" or they thought you would lower their grade. They are the subordinate in the relationship. If they came on to you, you should have documented saying NO!

Honestly I do hope you lose your position, because you don't have the common sense needed to be placed in that position.
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