Service for divorce


New Member
Constable is trying to serve my daughter but she never legally changed her last name. The service shows the last name of her husband. Can she be served with an incorrect last name?
Constable is trying to serve my daughter but she never legally changed her last name. The service shows the last name of her husband. Can she be served with an incorrect last name?

She could be served as Jane Doe, even John Roe.
Constable is trying to serve my daughter

Serve your daughter with what?

but she never legally changed her last name.

I assume this means that, when she got married, she kept her maiden name. Correct?

The service shows the last name of her husband.

Your statement that the constable is "trying to serve" your daughter suggests that the service has not been accomplished. If that's the case, how could you know what the documents that haven't been served say?

Can she be served with an incorrect last name?

I don't know what it might mean to "be served with [a] . . . name."

That said, if your son-in-law has filed to divorce your daughter, why wouldn't she voluntarily accept service and appear in the case so she can ensure that her interests are protected?