Separated & pregnant


New Member
Hello! I'm married, but I've been separated for a year & 6 months.... I've moved on & I am now pregnant with my boyfriends baby & I'm due in a about 3 months.... My husband knew when I moved on & didn't really care & I'm pregnant, but he really doesn't care because we both filed a joint petition for a divorce. No alimony is being asked for nor do we have property together or anything else. Nothing is up for dispute. We just want to be divorced so we can continue on living our seperate lives.... Will me being pregnant with someone else's baby affect the divorce being finalized?
Hello! I'm married, but I've been separated for a year & 6 months.... I've moved on & I am now pregnant with my boyfriends baby & I'm due in a about 3 months.... My husband knew when I moved on & didn't really care & I'm pregnant, but he really doesn't care because we both filed a joint petition for a divorce. No alimony is being asked for nor do we have property together or anything else. Nothing is up for dispute. We just want to be divorced so we can continue on living our seperate lives.... Will me being pregnant with someone else's baby affect the divorce being finalized?

The court will certainly inquire.
Your separation doesn't invalidate your marriage.
The baby in your womb is legally your husband's.
When you get to court over the divorce, you'll understand better how your pregnancy might delay your divorce.
Since the baby was conceived during the marriage your husband is the presumed Father. This means child support will lively be ordered. When your husband contest (as he should) this will delay Divorce.
Just commenting you leave your husband and a short time later your pregnant with another mans child!?