Rights for a Child born abroad?

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New Member

I hope someone is able to help us.
I am born and raised in Germany.
My father was a US Soldier and I was searching for him over 20 years.
Finally I found him in 2001.
Since then I am trying to move and live with my family in the USA.
Before I am telling my whole story here, please go to my website


and read it there.
I hope someone can help us.

I symapthize with you, especially since I myself am an American citizen of German descent. From what I can see you have received all the necessary information. What you now need to do is hire a competent immigration attorney and have him or her review the case and show you the different venues possible and then decide for the most promising and pursue it.

It will be a difficult way and it will take some time.It can and probably will take many years. But every day of wait is a day lost. Your activism in the political field is recommendable, but frankly, will not help you. Politician's influence on immigration matters is not really big and most are simply overwhelmed with appeals for help. They get hundreds of letters like yours a day, and therefore most will not do anything.

The good thing is, from what I can see after a cursory glance at your website, that you might have a legal case. That makes you different from 90% of the other people who probably have no case at all.

Now get a good immigration attorney and get to work. Before hiring one, you should interview him if he or she has experience in these matters. You should have a look at how he or she answers emails and phone calls etc. Regrettably there are some out there who are in over their heads.

If you are looking for an attorney, here is a link to AILA's referral service: http://www.aila.org/contentViewer.aspx?bc=16,4794

You might also want to look at this site: www.martindale.com and look for law firms specializing in immigration. Read their profiles and especially look for the ratings (http://www.martindale.com/xp/Martindale/Lawyer_Locator/Search_Lawyer_Locator/rating_info.xml), it mightl help you find a competent lawyer.
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