Recourse for Online Defamation

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New Member
My fmr employer is defaming my new business and myself.
I used to work for an individual but after not being paid for the work I was doing, I started a similar company of my own.
He then issued a Fraud Alert on his website falsely stating that I'm involved in credit card fraud and am fraudulently charging his clients. Many of his clients signed up with my service in addition to remaining on his (all were authorized).
He posted all of my & my affiliates contact info, and wrote that the local police department is interested in questioning me. None of these accusations are true. I even confirmed w/ said PD.
Since this false defamatory "alert," I've lost several clients (I have refunded anyone who has asked to be refunded).
In addition to the above, clients have also contacted me and reporting that he is saying that I physically broke into his office and stole his laptop and cell phone. Impossible (I'm in NY...he's in FL).
Is litigation necessary? What recourse do I have?
If you haven't done so already, send him a strongly worded cease and desist letter. Mention each allegation specifically, refer to its published location, that it is demonstrably false, and that his actoin in publishing (or speaking) it has resulted in damage to you that is actionable in a court of law. Give him 48 hours to take down the offending material and publish a retraction.

There's a good primer on libel/slander here:
You can also file for injunctive relief prior to any litigation.
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