Questions about previous support owed



Hi, me and my ex-husband got divorced in 2001.
I was ordered to pay child support through the courts for the amount of $300. per month.
He paid for almost a year and hasn't paid anything since then.
I was wondering if I can cancel the child support payments, because he cannot paid, or even try to move on with his life... i.e. checking account, license... etc.

Hi, my boyfriend has a hold on his license, and he can't get one in our state (Illinois) until this is cleared up.
He doesn't know if it child support (which we not sure if he is even charged/or it his kid)
What can we do?
How do we go about finding help?
Hi, me and my ex-husband got divorced in 2001.
I was ordered to pay child support through the courts for the amount of $300. per month.
He paid for almost a year and hasn't paid anything since then.
I was wondering if I can cancel the child support payments, because he cannot paid, or even try to move on with his life... i.e. checking account, license... etc.

There is a very simple remedy if you believe the father of the child you TWO created shouldn't be held accountable for paying $200 a month to help you raise the child he fathered with you.

You could get lawyers involved, paying the lawyers to do what I'm about to tell you that you MIGHT choose to do.

Leave the court ordered child support in place.

You can let his earnings be attached or levied against to have the $200 each month be delivered to YOU.

You can simply GIVE the $200 back to him.

BOTH of you keep yer yappers closed about your secret little plan.

No one is the wiser, if NEITHER of you blab or yap.

I wouldn't do this, but I've seen it done many, many times by couples in your position.

If it were my call (which it isn't), I'd place the $200 in a savings account and gift it to my child when she/he becomes an adult.

Anyway, good luck with your life's choices.

We got back together about 10 years after the divorce, and I told him to do that. He wouldn't do it. We split again 1 year later. We are NOT together now. I am just trying to help him.
Hi, my boyfriend has a hold on his license, and he can't get one in our state (Illinois) until this is cleared up.
He doesn't know if it child support (which we not sure if he is even charged/or it his kid)
What can we do?
How do we go about finding help?

He needs to find out WHY the state has placed a prohibition against issuing him a drivers license.

If it is for back child support he'll need a lawyer to help him arrange a compromise.
Now, the compromise is ONLY if the state wishes to grant him a limited use license to go to work, buy groceries, go to church, and attend medical appointments.

Normally for that to happen, he needs to make payment arrangements and pay SOME amount agreeable to the state.

A limited use license isn't always granted, so some people hire a lawyer to help.
We got back together about 10 years after the divorce, and I told him to do that. He wouldn't do it. We split again 1 year later. We are NOT together now. I am just trying to help him.

Whatever you two decide, keep it between yourselves.

But, even when you do, one of you might turn on the other, if you start dating (or even marry) another person.

If he were to MARRY you, that is another way to get some relief from the burden of back child support.
He got his print out of his report from California, but it doesn't show anything about owing child support. I think he is afraid if they find him, they will arrest him for no support.
He got his print out of his report from California, but it doesn't show anything about owing child support. I think he is afraid if they find him, they will arrest him for no support.

It might be for many things, even certain crimes.

Hey, you have your license.

If I were you, let him handle his own problems.

You divorced him for very good reasons.

Don't waste your life trying to help him.

His problems are his problems.

You didn't create his problems, he did.
Def not getting married again. I just didn't know if I could go to court to stop the order.

You can ask, but the state is generally no agreeable to letting people like him off the hook.

You shouldn't agree to it, either.
Once he gets it lifted, for example, watch how he disappears agin and stops paying support for his child.

Honestly, $200 a month doesn't help you all that much.