Protecting myself

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Things not going well with wife...heading down the road to divorce as far as I can see...How do I protect myself ... she keeps making refrence to calling 911 and telling them I threatend her, or struck her ,or that she is in fear of her safety other words just making up a story since she believes that the police will respond and just take it on her word as the woman and get me removed from the house (side note I have owned the home before being marriedand I pay all the mortage and property tax...she refuses to help). I am a health care professional and this could also effect my medical licensse in three states, even if the whole story is made up. I believe she has some mental issues and a coolege who is a Psych dotor believes she is manic bipolar. She also has her mother staying with us(came for a two week visit and going on 4 months) how do I get her out of my house!!!!
Could really use some help in what to do to protect myself and my assests...she hides the money she makes and spends what ever else..found a wiretransfer for 40,000 + dolloras she sent to her brother in europe without consultin me...always thought money earned in the marrage is joint money...
well any help in steering me down the right bath would be appreciated...Thank you
Hire an attirney.
File for divorce.
Explain your situation to your attorney.
Ask him/her to petition the court for her and her mother to leave your home.
Don't be cheap and try to do this yourself.
This is important to your future earning ability.
You could secrete recording devices (preferably cameras) around the home. Have the information transmitted to a secure website.
Also consider wearing a wire (camera bug)!

Or, give her the damn house.

But, don't leave.
That is abandonment.
She wants you to do that.

Have your mother, sister, cousin move in to vouch for you.

Seek legal advice.
You wouldn't suggest one of your patients to get a diagnosis from WebMD, would you????
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