Paternity in marriage

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New Member
My wife and I recently filed for divorce. Within 2 weeks she told me that she was pregnant. We live in California and I would like to know what the law is regarding my right to request a paternity test since the child was conceived during the marriage? Will I be legally bound to support the child after it is born even if it is not mine?
Paternity Fraud

Contact me ASAP!!!

You MUST bring up testing during the divorce proceedings. BTW, you can get DNA testing w/o the "Mother" present.
I thought you had to have consent of the mother, if not have her present. I would be interested to know what I do need to have during/for dna testing.

I do think my kids are my kids, but ........ well..... Apparently I think there's a chance, but I don't want to make a "scene" of it, especially if they are both found to be mine... :p

Thx m8... An sorry wronged, sounds like a bad sitiation m8
Paternity Fraud

Hi Rathi,

You can look for DNA testing in your local telephone yellow pages. Here's one DNA testing facility that I know off the top of my head:


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