PA - Dairy Queen has not paid my son after working for them 8 wks ago.

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My son was hired by our local Dairy Queen to perform customer service. Previously, my son was employed by the same store for several months, then left when his sports season started. He was offered a position, told he would be paid $10.00 an hour to walk around the dining room and ask a list of questions to customers to improve the store's service. He worked 2 hour shifts for a total of 6 days. He showed up on time, dressed appropriately and the manager/owner couldn't have been more pleased. My son returned to collect his check 4 times since the second week of September and continues to get the run-around. He left a note last Friday with his cell phone number and asked the manager to please call. He never called. So I stopped on my way home from work today and the owner did not have a reasonable excuse. He now claims my son can stop this Friday and he will have it. I ask for it today and he refused. What recourse do we have? My son is a minor. This is in Pennsylvania. Thank you.
My son was hired by our local Dairy Queen to perform customer service. Previously, my son was employed by the same store for several months, then left when his sports season started. He was offered a position, told he would be paid $10.00 an hour to walk around the dining room and ask a list of questions to customers to improve the store's service. He worked 2 hour shifts for a total of 6 days. He showed up on time, dressed appropriately and the manager/owner couldn't have been more pleased. My son returned to collect his check 4 times since the second week of September and continues to get the run-around. He left a note last Friday with his cell phone number and asked the manager to please call. He never called. So I stopped on my way home from work today and the owner did not have a reasonable excuse. He now claims my son can stop this Friday and he will have it. I ask for it today and he refused. What recourse do we have? My son is a minor. This is in Pennsylvania. Thank you.

Give him one more chance.

Even if you filed a complaint, it wouldn't be resolved by Friday.

If the check isn't there Friday, file a complaint with this agency in PA:

This explains the law:

Summary of Minimum Age:
Minors under 14 years of age may not be employed or permitted to work in any occupation, except children employed on farms or in domestic service in private homes. No minor under 14 years of age may be employed on a farm by a person other than the farmer. Under certain restrictions, caddies may be employed at the age of 12, news carriers at 11 years of age, and juvenile performers in the entertainment field at the age of 7. Minors and infants may be in the cast of a motion picture if special permit is obtained.
@Patricia - I should have clarified that I asked if my son could pick it up today. I am aware the employer is not obligated to give me his paycheck. My son was working within walking distance of this establishment. Atleast 4 regular bi-weekly pay periods have passed since my son worked for this man. My patience in my minor son being taken advantage of has run its course.

@ArmyJudge - Thank you. I was looking for PA law/statute that governs this situation.
I didn't see where you asked for the law in your post, but OK.

When you've responded on these forums as long as I have, you've seen 100's of "what do WE do" posts.
@Patricia - I should have clarified that I asked if my son could pick it up today. I am aware the employer is not obligated to give me his paycheck. My son was working within walking distance of this establishment. Atleast 4 regular bi-weekly pay periods have passed since my son worked for this man. My patience in my minor son being taken advantage of has run its course.

@ArmyJudge - Thank you. I was looking for PA law/statute that governs this situation.

As a mother, I totally understand why you stopped to talk with this employer. Kids can get taken advantage of. Letting his employer know somebody is watching out for your son is a good idea. Good for you for being a caring mom.
The employer had no legal obligation to talk to mom. Mom would have done much better to advise her child how to handle the situation and let him handle it. Teach a man to fish............................
The employer had no legal obligation to talk to mom. Mom would have done much better to advise her child how to handle the situation and let him handle it. Teach a man to fish............................

Conversely there is no legal reason why a parent should not be allowed to take any reasonable measure for their children's benefit. If children were ready to fly solo they wouldn't be children they would be adults. A child has needs beyond food and clothing. They require emotional support as well.

Deciding when to turn a child lose, how much flexibility and/or responsibility and when to give it is a decision that only a parent can make. Parents know and understand the strength and weaknesses of their child. I would not want to make such an important decision without knowing the child. If he's an independent child maybe good to leave it to him, if he's struggling to feel secure I doubt it would be harmful if he knew that his mom or dad are going to stand by him. If the child is being smothered, I'm sure he will find a way to convey his frustrations to his parents for a discussion among family members.

With all the problems of latchkey children and teens and so forth being left on their own without supervision I applaud any parent who does just exactly what parents were designed for. To feed, clothe, and support the child until he finds his own wings. One day he will take off, leave the nest and be on his own, until then he or she can feel secure that his/her parents are there to help when he needs them. I wish there were more parents like that around. There are all sorts of parenting philosophies with pros and cons of their own. However I can't think any loving and concerned parent would not want to be there and show support if it appears he might be taken advantage of.
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Don't assume this son wasn't able to deal with the situation. "Support" is fine. "Advice" is fine. Honestly, if they're old enough and mature to have a job, they're old enough talk to their employer about their paycheck and they're old enough to file a wage claim. I have worked for employers who employed thousands of under-18 workers and NONE of us in management would speak to parents. Parents who become pests, angry, cursing, and even violent, can get kids legally fired from their jobs.

This is not a parenting thread. This is a legal question. And legally, the employer has no legal obligation to talk to the parent, even of a minor. And the parent cannot legally sign the wage claim form. And the employee can legally get fired if the parent comes in and makes a stink; I've seen it happen.
My son was hired by our local Dairy Queen to perform customer service. Previously, my son was employed by the same store for several months, then left when his sports season started. He was offered a position, told he would be paid $10.00 an hour to walk around the dining room and ask a list of questions to customers to improve the store's service. He worked 2 hour shifts for a total of 6 days. He showed up on time, dressed appropriately and the manager/owner couldn't have been more pleased. My son returned to collect his check 4 times since the second week of September and continues to get the run-around. He left a note last Friday with his cell phone number and asked the manager to please call. He never called. So I stopped on my way home from work today and the owner did not have a reasonable excuse. He now claims my son can stop this Friday and he will have it. I ask for it today and he refused. What recourse do we have? My son is a minor. This is in Pennsylvania. Thank you.

Did he get his check on friday?
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