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New Member
A supervisor tried to injure me. This supervisor admitted he taped something to my work area that could have punctured my hand. Our direct supervisor admitted that he was aware that this supervisor had done this. The supervisor claims it was to teach me a lesson.

I am now being written up and under scrutiny for policy and procedure that I have am not aware of. I was not given a procedure manual upon my hire. The company was in the process of having them made.

Much more has happened since I made a offical complaint with Human Resources.
I am the only female in this postion.
Do I have a course of action or any further recourse?
Complaining to H.R is no different than complaining to your supervisor since there are many issues not listed as you said. Contact an attorney,and give the whole story. The reason you may not have received a response,is because the post is vague,and could be seen as a routine work environment.
I work as a dealer in a casino.
The supervisor used a open paperclip he had taped to my work area on the table. I caught the action as he had did it and prevented myself from injury.

I have contacted one attorney today. One of the first responses from him was why had I not filed a assult/atempted assult charge on him through the police dept? What he tried to do to me was with the intent to cause bodily harm. The company is now supporting the action by doing nothing. I have filed additonal 'documented' incidents that are considered retailitory.
Far be it from me to argue with legal advice from a real lawyer,but given the circumstances you describe,an assault charge sounds like over kill. Keep working with the lawyer if you feel comfortable with him.
My charges were accepted by EEOC.
The charges are to be mailed 11/07/2007.
I am aware of the mailing date as I called to put a change of address in for my file copy and items and was told I just got it in time.
My question(s) is can I be terminated when the company receives the notice of the charges? My charges already include retaliation, harassment, discrimination by gender. Can further action be taken against the company? Will or can they be held to further/additional charges?
I have other charges that have not yet been levied.
As the intake officer said the case was too volumous, and we would not want to show everything at once so we keep a few things back.
I have also put in my notice of resignation. Siting hostile work environment. My manager told me that was not acceptable and to fill out another resignation letter stating my resignation was be submitted "freely and voluntarily".
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I'm trying to figure out exactly what happened. The only way someone can appropriately comment on your incident is to tell us the state that it happened and give us a good enough understanding of what happened and why it happened. Right now I get that another employee used an open paper clip for something in your area and that you're getting written up for violation of some policy. Maybe you can start from the beginning. Remember that people here are completely unfamiliar with what you are writing about.
I was dealing on a live game, I notice the activity to my right and see something being taped there. "Supervisor" tapes on the base, on the wood, where my right hand would sit in a natural position, a open paper clip, with a pointed end up. supervisor , I wouldn't do that. I'd move that if I were you," supervisor then removed the open ended paperclip from the wood base.

I went on break and was quite unnerved and flustered by the incident that had just happened. I didn't say anything to anyone. When I returned from break I was still quite dumbfounded. My next position on the game was on the "stick." No one said a word to me the rest of the shift.
'pit manager' was sitting box at the time I was not sure if he was saw what 'supervisor' had just done.

The next day, I spoke with "another supervisor", about what transpired with 'supervisor' the day before. 'Another dealer', asked if I told 'pit manager' and I said no. We conversed a bit about it. When 'pit manager' came to the game, 'another dealer' asked several times "does 'pit manager' know?" and 'pit manager' would respond "what" 'another dealer' would say " 'me' can tell ya" So, I told told him what 'supervisor' did with a open paperclip. 'pit manager' said he knew about it and he said it was not that big of a deal, as long as the pay outs were right. 'another dealer' said to 'pit manager' , "what do you mean? It's nothing, you want teach with injury?" " He demonstrated, leaning on the table", as being one thing, but a 'open paperclip' in a work area, where you put your hands in a resting position? 'another dealer' also told 'pit manager' , had 'supervisor' done that to him, he would have jabbed his hand and made 'supervisor' filled out the report as to why and how he was injured.

Since this, I have followed my handbooks instructions on dealing with the problem resolution. I went to human resoruces, filled a formal complaint.

I gave the company 30 days to resolve things. They never did. Things got worse. I called and wrote out another complaint with few items that the supervisors and managers were still doing to me directly in result of me going to human resources.
I followed my doctors advice and even asked for a transfer to a new property which was I was told that was not an option.
At the end of this meeting with human resources, I called the EEOC and my state's dept of equal rights. They issued 3 charges and said more were to be added.
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