On line Harrasment

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New Member
I am a member of an on-line gamming organization Run and Gun Clan..we play on Unreal Tornament Game..we also rent a game server and a forum.. recently we discovered another new clan is using our members names on their servers as Bots(virtual players, not real person)They have programed the Bots to insult players using profanity and the other players think its us...they have no idea that they are Bots...this is causing alot of bad feelings toward our members that are victems of this new clan. When signing on to the servers you have a feild that allows you to create a Buddy list, that shows which server your buddy is playing on so you can join them if you choose...our members are showing that they are on this server when in fact they are not...our freinds donnot know this and are going to this server where they are insulted by the bots.....causing bad feelings toward our memebers..What can we do? is there anything legal we can do to protect our members from this?
I can't imagine that you can legally do anything. The names are not copyright protected, and even if they were that wouldn't necessarily be an issue in a free gaming forum.

I would suggest that if it's practical you just advertise the information on your site that the folks on the other site are not your members even though they bare the same names.

- Carl
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