Notaraized Contracts

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New Member
I have written a contract for work to be done on my kitchen. I am putting in granite counters. The contract is pretty simple and basically states the work to be performed, the amount for the job and the timeframe to which it will be performed. I printed out 2 copies and had the contractor and myself sign both copies.

A friend of mine says that the contract is not valid because I did not have it notarized. I disagree with him. If a dispute was to arise, this case would end up in small claims court.
Some research online leads me to believe that only "key" documents like real estate, probate, financial etc., should be notarized. Any added information would be appreciated.
every state has its own "statute of frauds", so the rules might differ from state to state, but normally they only require that certain contracts are signed and in writing (actually the contract does not even need to be in writing, as long as other documents pertaining to it are signed), but they never require notarization.

Here a general explanation of the statute of frauds:
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