Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI not gulilty

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New Member
this is a kinda weird case but here goes. I was charged with a dui under the suspicion of meth. went had a urine test done at hospital and yes I know it came back positive. The reason I was pulled over was for not signaling at the turn lane. I was ask to take a sobriety field test which I was told I failed supposedly. The reason he thought I was on drugs was because I was moving around to much in the car. Erratic behavior he said. My question is I did some meth 3 days before not that day. But I was diagnosed with anxiety panic disorder 16 years ago and I have been on the same meds for it for 16 years so. I know how it will affect my driving. The erratic behavior he was going on well my anxiety is pretty similar in behavior. Plus I was scared nervous and trying to get that big spot light out of my eyes from the cop car. I plead not guilty because I was not driving erratic I didnt use my blinker I cooperated with the police and I dont feel my every day behavior constitutes a dui just because I did not act the way he thought I should and I hope not using my blinker constitutes a dui charge.
Unfortunately, the blinker is enough for the officer to stop you and question you. . .

You have an anxiety disorder and you take METH? If you've been diagnosed, it shouldn't be that hard to get some kind of benzo. . .METH?!??!?!

This may end up helping you in the long run if it stops you from taking that steep downhill fast as hell dive METH puts people through. Your teeth will thank you.

As far as fighting the charge, call criminal defense attorneys, and find one that has experience with "drugged" driving. If they know about METH that would be a bonus. You do have an argument that you weren't under the influence of Meth and that's just normal behavior for someone who already has anxiety problems being given the "misery lights" and put in such a high stress situation.

The field sobriety test is a problem. You should NEVER do those. Sober people fail some of those tests. Again, your anxiety may explain failing some of those. . .

Good Luck, but if you can't tell, I think you should NEVER EVER DO METH AGAIN.
thanks for advice

Like I said I was cooperating with the officer. I have never been in jail and only had minor traffic infractions. I was never told I could refuse the sobreity test I thought it was the same as refusing a drug test. If I had known that I would have not done it for sure. agian thanks
The officer made the arrest based upon probable cause to believe you were driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Apparently the urine test confirmed that you were, indeed, under the influence of meth.

Consult a local attorney ... unless the cause for the stop of the field sobriety tests can be shown to be improper or inconclusive, you will likely have to work out a plea deal.

- Carl
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