Not enough break time?

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New Member
I work in a warehouse in georgia. We can work as long as 15 or 16 hours and get only one break of 30 minutes at 4 hours into the shift and sometimes when they are generous a second break of 15 minutes after about 9-10 hours. This feels ridiculous to me and I'm curious as to if they are shorting us.
As indicated, neither Federal nor Georgia law require that you be given any breaks at all, no matter how many hours you work.

I agree with you that it is ridiculous but your employers are nonetheless legal. My suggestion, if you would like to see this changed, is to lobby your elected representatives for a change in the law.
Wow that is very disappointing that the legal system has no laws for break times. Thank you for the information though.

I will look into who to contact to get something done about this. With the amount of hours we work we become danger to everyone when operating heavy machinery. People have lost their lives at my job due to this. Something needs to be done.
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