Need help on nailing a real crook...

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New Member
Myself and several others used to work at a restaurant until about a week and a half ago. The owner of the restaurant came in and robbed the place: stripping it of the televisions, the liquor, the safe, etc. He also emptied the bank account that the employee checks come out of, making all of our checks bounce or become useless. He is on the run...somewhere, we can't find him but he is keeping in contact with one of our managers (we don't know why) and claims he is in Kansas City (the restaurants he robbed were in MN and WI, I work at the WI site). So, a lot of us are out of a job, are out of money, and we want to nail his ass to the wall. What can we get this guy on? Obviously he's a thief, and he's been writing fradulent checks. We were put out of a job without notice when there is some proof that he was planning on doing exactly this for at least a year. What can we do?
Do you have evidence that he was the one who robbed the place? And if so, why didn't the manager, who he is still in contact with, file a police report claiming that he was the one who did it?
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