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My sixteen year old sister is pregnant. and her dad keeps telling her that he is going to make her boyfriend (the babys father) pay child support. she doesnt want him to have to pay child support, they are still in a relationship, and they are both getting jobs soon. Can her dad really make him pay child support?
My sixteen year old sister is pregnant. and her dad keeps telling her that he is going to make her boyfriend (the babys father) pay child support. she doesnt want him to have to pay child support, they are still in a relationship, and they are both getting jobs soon. Can her dad really make him pay child support?

Paying child support should be the least of their worries.
I've read where fathers and mothers of children who have been sexually violated commit violent acts against the ones who sexually soiled their kids.
Why, some parents of teenage mamas even report the male who inseminated their child causing her to become pregnant to the police.
Only her daddy knows what her daddy might do.

Excuse me, you came here for law related stuff, right?
Well, here you go.

Have yourself a great read or two:
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If child support is successfully awarded she's free to give the money back to him if she wants. Somewhere down the road, if the relationship goes sour, she will appreciate Dad's actions. Dad is protecting her and his grandchild and himself. If the boy can't support the child who will it fall back on-probably Dad.
At 16, I'm betting her father (your father?) is the one who is actually going to end up supporting this kid. As such, your sister has no place in stating she doesn't want the actually baby's father to financial contribute. Once your sister is paying for all medical bills, baby gear, housing, utilities, transportation, school, daycare, clothes and personal expenses totally on her own for both she and baby, then she may decide who gets to help her contribute to baby's support. If sis plans to use any welfare services to help support junior, the state will not give her a choice about making the father pay. The chance that a 16 year old is going to be able to make enough money to fully support them both without any assistance is abysmally low.
but what if the mother and father of the baby have incomes, and the relationship is great and the father wants to be there for the baby? can her dad force child support without the teen parents concent or knowledge
More than likely he can. Again, your sister is not an adult and the wages of two teenagers are not going to be enough to support this baby. If sis files for any sort of government assistance, the government will go after teen dad, whether they are happily dating or not.
but what if the mother and father of the baby have incomes, and the relationship is great and the father wants to be there for the baby? can her dad force child support without the teen parents concent or knowledge

Is the "baby daddy" older than 18 years old?

Has the "baby daddy" done a paternity test?
Ho wold is the child Father? The Father of this unborn child has a legal and moral obligation to support his child. Mommys parents have zero and I agree its likely The Grandparents will support child. If your still in a relationship then fine but it doesn't change anything. Why should Father not have to support his child?
Ok just saw Baby Daddy is 15. So we have two children raising a child jeez! Its unlikely Daddy will get a decent job but he still needs to support his child. By the way legally either set of parents can forbid their child see the other. If you want to maintain relationship I wouldn't make any waves.
The parents of the 15 year old father are the ones who will pay the child support. This is a matter for the adults to handle and the teenage mother has no say in.
The relationship is essentially over.
I don't think you're quite getting this.

This is not about whether the underage parents are happy in a relationship or not. It is not about whether he wants to be there for the baby or not. I don't know where you got the evident idea that child support is only when there is an acrimonious relationship.

This is about the fact that even WITH child support from the underage father, the parent of the 16 year old is likely to be the one paying the bulk of the baby's care. He had no hand in creating the child, but he's the one who's going to end up paying for it. Or are you telling me that your sister pays 100% of her own health insurance, pays the rent and utility bills, and has an income sufficient to pay everything that both she and the baby need without assistance from anyone?

Damn right the baby's dad can be required to cough up support.
the baby daddy is 15 and yes they have done paternity testss

They've performed an in-utero paternity test?

Tell me more about this.

As far as support goes, even where there are states where the grandparent can be held liable for their grandchild's support (and there aren't many), they are rarely enforced outside of one notable exception which clearly isn't present here.

Of course, that does not address the obvious point that with or without a court order, either or both sets of grandparents are going to end up raising their child's child in some form or another.

And seriously, I want to hear more about this in-utero determination of paternity. Most of you should know were I'm going with that ....
Oh wow, there is no way a 15 yr. old and/or a 16 yr. old are going to be able to support themselves & a child. Grandparent(s) are going to be getting involved.
Perhaps the baby would be better placed for adoption. I just can't see this ending on a positive note for Mom, Dad OR the baby.

Sometimes the most caring and mature decision we can ever make is acknowledging that we're just not capable of raising a child right now, and acting accordingly.
More than likely he can. Again, your sister is not an adult and the wages of two teenagers are not going to be enough to support this baby. If sis files for any sort of government assistance, the government will go after teen dad, whether they are happily dating or not.

No, Dad cannot file on his daughter's behalf, nor can he file himself to force the issue.

There is only one situation where one of the above might be possible and it doesn't apply here.
But Dad can demand contributions even it if's not court ordered. And should.
He can demand the cows come home wearing red, silver and blue (see what I did there? ;) ), but that's not the legal issue.

Besides, I wished merely to emphasize that Dad cannot force his daughter to file, nor can he file himself on her behalf. Ditto Sonny Boy's parents, now I think about it.

Tangled webs of baby spiders, indeed.
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