multiple DUI felon


New Member
My Ex has a history of getting into relationships with felons
the first one beat her child until the courts took custody of him.
the 2nd was accused of molesting her daughter and later was convicted
of federal drug trafficking. we dated and we now have a child together.
one day she decided to take off with our child. I went and got her our
child back. after she left our child for 10 months I filed for custody. once
she was served, she demanded to see the baby. I let her. she then fled
the state. I got a default order and with the help of the sheriff got my baby back
being a decent person I put in the order that she could have the baby 1 month a year.
I have since found out she is back with another felon with multiple DUIs. they live
together. after 8 months of no contact from her she has now expressed she wants
to pick up the baby. I informed her that I would not allow her to expose our child
to felons. I fully ready to argue this issue in court. I would like another legel opionion.
thank you
I'd be worried about protecting my child.
If that means the dingbat mother gets hurt, so what?

You foolishly caused a visitation order to be created that allows a kidnapping, felon cohabiting, dingbat mother to get your child for one month.

Yeah, I'd scurry off to court, mate.

The Internet can't help you.
The judge might be able to help you.
Yea, the order originally specified no contact with felons, however my lawyer messed up the paperwork and left out the stipulation. Now he doesn't want to return my calls. So I have had to retain a new lawyer. I struggle with
Protecting my baby physicallu, and still being able to let her have a "mother".
Yea, I know.... Wasn't planned, she claimed she was on the pill. I saw the meds, and personally paid for her refills.

Court, court, court. ASAP. It doesn't matter that you shouldn't have been involved with her at this point. You can't undo your relationship or your daughter.

If that was me, I would have went to court and made sure the ex couldn't see the kid without supervised visits.