Minor shoplifting questions

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Soo last night me and my sister were arrested for shoplifting.
We are both minors. She's sixteen and I'm fifteen. We were stopped outside the store by security and taken to the security room. They asked some questions like how old we are our names address phone number school grade etc. The police were called and we were taken to our local jail we had fingerprints and mugshots taken and had to sign some papers I don't know what the papers said I know it was stupid not to read them but I was panicking and just wanted to get out of there.

We were released about 30 minutes later to our mom. I think they said we we would get a letter in the mail with our court date. The total of what we took was about 20 dollars. We know it is wrong and we learned our lesson and we will never do it again.

The cop said we were getting off with a slap on the wrist since this is our first offense and we cooperated. But I think we still have to go to court. What should I expect from court? Should we get an attorney? We can't really afford it. Do you we plea guilty? They have us on camera. Are we going to jail? Or are we going to have to pay a fine? If we pay a fine do we still have to pay a civil demand if we pay a court fine? How much would the court fine and court fee be? How much would the civil demand be? Are we going to have the same court date? Are we going to have to pay our fines separately our is it going to be one fine for both of us? They said it will be rates erested from our records when we turn 18. Is this true? I'm just really worried about it I have bad anxiety as it is soo. We are both good students it's out first offense and we cooperated. Someone said they make you take a class is this true and if we take it do we still have to pay the fine? We don't have very much money so I'm worried about how we're going to pay. I'm sorry this is so long and thank you to anyone who replies.
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Plead not guilty when you report to court with mom or dad.
Make no more statements, and have mom request the judge appoint a public defender for each of you.

Speak with the lawyer the judge appoints, make sure mom or dad go with you each and every time.

Don't break any more laws. Obeying the law is easy. You know right from wrong, don't do wrong.

Follow the instructions your lawyer gives you, make sure mm or dad agree.

There will likely be both fines and the civil demand to be paid.
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