Mental Health Thread #6 - Post your "news" here!

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Well-Known Member
Since we have over 200 replies in the last mental health thread, I will start a new one. :)

It sure was very windy in the St. Louis area today - did some damage in some areas. We had no rain in my city - just the strong winds. Temp. was in 50s & 60s.
Last night's winds took down my privacy screening off the fence. I can see what I'll be doing later today.
Geez. It took some siding off our neighbor's house but we made out ok.
OMG! I've been in the workforce for roughly 50 years and this is the first time I've ever been off for 3 weeks straight. Doc cleared me to RTW last week with only a minor lift restriction. Only residual effect is suffering a major overdose of Olympic TV. Got a verbal reprimand from my boss for checking my em three times a day while on FML, I guess work does qualify as an addiction. I was lucky to find a former co-worker (from another job years ago) who is now contracting to step in and cover my office in my absence.
Is taking longer than I though to get back up to speed. It doesn't help that the whole leadership team has been sentenced to three days of meetings this week. Still, it's good to be back.
The HR Geezer

Betty: very sorry to read of your recent loss, my condolences.
It always takes a while to get back up to speed - normal. Thank you for your condolences on the loss of my brother.
We've had really windy weather here the last couple of days as well. It's been clear and cold, and for us to have heavy winds when it's like this is unusual. Usually our windstorms are accompanied by huge quantities of rain.

We have a lot of trees around our house and I never sleep as well as I should when it's really windy, even though I've lived in the house for 25 years and we don't have any trees in danger of falling on the house, it still makes me nervous.
Well dang! Yesterday I lost all the e-mail that I had in a "personal" folder in Outlook Express. While trying to fix it, I now lost all my inbox e-mail. I am not happy. :(
An employee of mine had a poster of Garfield the Cat with an evil grin about to chainsaw his PC in half.
An IT director I knew who had served in the USMC once had the following taped to his monitor: "FAC 1 to Sector Bravo control, I have a fire mission. Coordinates- "My PC"; use napalm!
We have an employee who has two favorite things to say. That's not my job, and you're not my boss. Well one of the people he said it to the most just became his boss. I have a feeling some things will now be his job.
It's going to be verrrry interesting.
I don't know how much it will cost but I am considering calling someone who works on computers & having them come out & see if they might be able to recover what was lost. The "personal" e-mail - some was very important to me & in my inbox I hadn't read all my e-mail yet & what I did some I was saving (not deleting) at this time for various reasons. :(
Betty - look at all your Outlook folders and see if any of them have a little + sign next to them. If they do, click on the +. It may reveal your missing folder(s).

We have that happen all the time.
Thanks for the suggestion but they don't seem to. I don't see any.
I guess that would be worth a try.
We have an employee who has two favorite things to say. That's not my job, and you're not my boss. Well one of the people he said it to the most just became his boss. I have a feeling some things will now be his job.
It's going to be verrrry interesting.

I love it when that little thing called "karma" happens in a case like this. Just sit back and watch the fireworks!
We're predicted to get freezing rain starting overnight & then snow tomorrow. Anyone else getting bad weather - I assume so.
Thankfully, no. We were originally scheduled for 6-12 inches on the South Shore, but now they've downgraded it to 1-3. We may have ice, though; gotta check.

We're the lucky ones, though; I think most of the country has gotten hit with this storm. Everyone stay safe!
They downgraded us. We got some ice but the snow we were to get was changed to 1-3 inches from 5-8. Mud slides in Ca. - a lot of homes that got destroyed in mud slides & previous forest fires in Ca. were really nice homes. It seems every area of the US has something to worry about. I still ♥ the USA.
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