Legally separated and need advise

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New Member
Where to begin. I began to suspect my husband was cheating some time ago.
Well, to make a long story short, he became careless and the clues he left made the suspicions more of a reality. I hired a P.I., he was cheating on me, with a co-worker. I have video of him at her house,kissing on the porch, carrying in an overnight bag, spending the night, coming out of her house in the morning and arriving to work together.

I did not confront him. I am a 4 year breast cancer survivor and felt the stress was not good for my health. We came to a resolution amicably at my lawyers office and signed separation papers.

He keeps complaining he is financially strapped, but I know and have proof, he is living with the other woman. What amazes me is that she too is separated from her husband and in this state, if you receive alimony, you loose it if it can be proven you are sleeping with the opposite sex in your home during the one year separation.

I live in NC, I have a 17 year old and an 11 year old. I receive $1200 a month.
($800 in child support and $400 in alimony). I am staying in the house until it sells and am paying all of the bills. When the house sells, we will pay off all debts and split proceeds if any remain.

Question is, should I confront him and tell him I knew all along he was cheating or keep it to myself? Our divorce will be final in 11 months. Can I sue him then for cheating on me or is it to late?
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